Interface I_CmsContainerpageServiceAsync

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addToFavoriteList​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, java.lang.String clientId,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Adds an element specified by it's id to the favorite list.
      void addToRecentList​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, java.lang.String clientId,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Adds an element specified by it's id to the recent list.
      void checkContainerpageOrElementsChanged​(CmsUUID structureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String contentLocale,<java.lang.Boolean> callback)
      Check if a page or its elements have been changed.
      void checkCreateNewElement​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String resourceType, CmsContainer container, java.lang.String locale,<CmsCreateElementData> callback)
      To create a new element of the given type this method will check if a model resource needs to be selected, otherwise creates the new element.
      void checkNewWidgetsAvailable​(CmsUUID structureId,<java.lang.Boolean> resultCallback)
      Checks whether the Acacia widgets are available for all fields of the content.
      void copyElement​(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID originalElementId, java.lang.String locale,<CmsUUID> resultCallback)
      Creates a new element with a given model element and returns the copy'S structure id.
      void createNewElement​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String resourceType, CmsUUID modelResourceStructureId, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerElement> callback)
      Creates a new element of the given type and returns the new element data containing structure id and site path.
      void getContainerInfo​(<CmsContainer> callback)
      This method is used for serialization purposes only.
      void getDeleteOptions​(java.lang.String clientId, CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String requestParams,<CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
      Returns the delete options.
      void getEditOptions​(java.lang.String clientId, CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String requestParams, boolean isListElement,<CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
      Returns the edit options.
      void getElementInfo​(<CmsContainerElement> callback)
      This method is used for serialization purposes only.
      void getElementsData​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> clientIds, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, boolean alwaysCopy, java.lang.String dndSource, java.lang.String locale,<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
      Requests container element data by client id.
      void getElementSettingsConfig​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String containerId, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsElementSettingsConfig> callback)
      Returns container element settings config data.
      void getElementWithSettings​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, java.lang.String clientId, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> settings, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerElementData> callback)
      Gets the element data for an id and a map of settings.
      void getFavoriteList​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<java.util.List<CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
      Requests the container element data of the favorite list.
      void getGalleryDataForPage​(java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers, CmsUUID elementView, java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerPageGalleryData> callback)
      Returns the gallery configuration data according to the current page containers and the selected element view.
      void getNewElementData​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, java.lang.String resourceType, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerElementData> callback)
      Returns new container element data for the given resource type name.
      void getNewOptions​(java.lang.String clientId, CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String requestParams,<CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
      Gets the edit handler options for creating a new element.
      void getRecentList​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<java.util.List<CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
      Requests the container element data of the recent list.
      void getRemovedElementStatus​(java.lang.String id, CmsUUID containerpageId,<CmsRemovedElementStatus> callback)
      Gets the status of a removed element.
      void handleDelete​(java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String deleteOption, CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String requestParams,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Handles the element deletion.
      void loadClipboardTab​(<java.lang.Integer> resultCallback)
      Loads the clipboard tab to initially select.
      void prefetch​(<CmsCntPageData> callback)
      Returns the initialization data.
      void prepareForEdit​(java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String editOption, CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.lang.String requestParams,<CmsUUID> callback)
      Prepares an element to be edited.
      void replaceElement​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String replaceId, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerElementData> callback)
      Returns the element data to replace a given content element with another while keeping it's settings.
      void saveClipboardTab​(int tabIndex,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Saves the selected clipboard tab.
      void saveContainerpage​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,<java.lang.Long> callback)
      Saves the container-page.
      void saveDetailContainers​(CmsUUID detailId, java.lang.String detailContainerResource, java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,<java.lang.Long> callback)
      Saves the detail containers.
      void saveElementSettings​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, java.lang.String clientId, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> settings, java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsContainerElementData> callback)
      Saves the settings for the given element to the container page and returns the updated element data.
      void saveFavoriteList​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> clientIds, java.lang.String uri,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Saves the favorite list.
      void saveGroupContainer​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context, CmsUUID detailContentId, java.lang.String reqParams, CmsGroupContainer groupContainer, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<CmsGroupContainerSaveResult> callback)
      Saves a group-container element.
      void saveInheritanceContainer​(CmsUUID pageStructureId, CmsUUID detailContentId, CmsInheritanceContainer inheritanceContainer, java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers, java.lang.String locale,<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
      Saves an inheritance container.
      void saveRecentList​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> clientIds, java.lang.String uri,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Saves the recent list.
      void setEditSmallElements​(boolean editSmallElements,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Saves the default value for small element editability on page load.
      void setElementView​(CmsUUID elementView,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Sets the element view.
      void setLastPage​(CmsUUID pageId, CmsUUID detailId,<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Stores information about the container page last edited.
    • Method Detail

      • addToFavoriteList

        void addToFavoriteList​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                               java.lang.String clientId,
                     <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Adds an element specified by it's id to the favorite list.

        context - the rpc context
        clientId - the element id
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • addToRecentList

        void addToRecentList​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                             java.lang.String clientId,
                   <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Adds an element specified by it's id to the recent list.

        context - the rpc context
        clientId - the element id
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • checkContainerpageOrElementsChanged

        void checkContainerpageOrElementsChanged​(CmsUUID structureId,
                                                 CmsUUID detailContentId,
                                                 java.lang.String contentLocale,
                                       <java.lang.Boolean> callback)
        Check if a page or its elements have been changed.

        structureId - the id of the container page
        detailContentId - the structure id of the detail content (may be null)
        contentLocale - the content locale
        callback - the callback for the result
      • checkCreateNewElement

        void checkCreateNewElement​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                                   java.lang.String clientId,
                                   java.lang.String resourceType,
                                   CmsContainer container,
                                   java.lang.String locale,
                         <CmsCreateElementData> callback)
        To create a new element of the given type this method will check if a model resource needs to be selected, otherwise creates the new element. Returns a bean containing either the new element data or a list of model resources to select.

        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        clientId - the client id of the new element (this will be the structure id of the configured new resource)
        resourceType - the resource tape of the new element
        container - the parent container
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • checkNewWidgetsAvailable

        void checkNewWidgetsAvailable​(CmsUUID structureId,
                            <java.lang.Boolean> resultCallback)
        Checks whether the Acacia widgets are available for all fields of the content.

        structureId - the structure id of the content to check.

        resultCallback - the callback for the result
      • copyElement

        void copyElement​(CmsUUID pageId,
                         CmsUUID originalElementId,
                         java.lang.String locale,
               <CmsUUID> resultCallback)
        Creates a new element with a given model element and returns the copy'S structure id.

        pageId - the container page id
        originalElementId - the model element id
        locale - the content locale
        resultCallback - the callback for the result
      • createNewElement

        void createNewElement​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                              java.lang.String clientId,
                              java.lang.String resourceType,
                              CmsUUID modelResourceStructureId,
                              java.lang.String locale,
                    <CmsContainerElement> callback)
        Creates a new element of the given type and returns the new element data containing structure id and site path.

        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        clientId - the client id of the new element (this will be the structure id of the configured new resource)
        resourceType - the resource tape of the new element
        modelResourceStructureId - the model resource structure id
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getContainerInfo

        void getContainerInfo​(<CmsContainer> callback)
        This method is used for serialization purposes only.

        callback - the callback
      • getDeleteOptions

        void getDeleteOptions​(java.lang.String clientId,
                              CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                              java.lang.String requestParams,
                    <CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
        Returns the delete options.

        clientId - the client element id
        pageStructureId - the current page structure id
        requestParams - optional request parameters
        callback - the async callback
      • getEditOptions

        void getEditOptions​(java.lang.String clientId,
                            CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                            java.lang.String requestParams,
                            boolean isListElement,
                  <CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
        Returns the edit options.

        clientId - the client element id
        pageStructureId - the current page structure id
        requestParams - optional request parameters
        isListElement - in case a list element, not a container element is about to be edited
        callback - the async callback
      • getElementInfo

        void getElementInfo​(<CmsContainerElement> callback)
        This method is used for serialization purposes only.

        callback - the callback
      • getElementsData

        void getElementsData​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                             CmsUUID detailContentId,
                             java.lang.String reqParams,
                             java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> clientIds,
                             java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                             boolean alwaysCopy,
                             java.lang.String dndSource,
                             java.lang.String locale,
                   <java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
        Requests container element data by client id.

        context - the RPC context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        clientIds - the requested element id's
        containers - the containers of the current page
        alwaysCopy - true in case reading data for a clipboard element used as a copy group
        dndSource - in the DND case, the id of the origin container from which the element is dragged
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getElementSettingsConfig

        void getElementSettingsConfig​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                                      java.lang.String clientId,
                                      java.lang.String containerId,
                                      java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                                      java.lang.String locale,
                            <CmsElementSettingsConfig> callback)
        Returns container element settings config data.

        context - the rpc context
        clientId - the requested element id
        containerId - the parent container id
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getElementWithSettings

        void getElementWithSettings​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                                    CmsUUID detailContentId,
                                    java.lang.String reqParams,
                                    java.lang.String clientId,
                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> settings,
                                    java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                                    java.lang.String locale,
                          <CmsContainerElementData> callback)
        Gets the element data for an id and a map of settings.

        context - the RPC context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        clientId - the requested element ids
        settings - the settings for which the element data should be loaded
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the callback for receiving the element data
      • getFavoriteList

        void getFavoriteList​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                             CmsUUID detailContentId,
                             java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                             java.lang.String locale,
                   <java.util.List<CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
        Requests the container element data of the favorite list.

        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getGalleryDataForPage

        void getGalleryDataForPage​(java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,
                                   CmsUUID elementView,
                                   java.lang.String uri,
                                   java.lang.String locale,
                         <CmsContainerPageGalleryData> callback)
        Returns the gallery configuration data according to the current page containers and the selected element view.

        containers - the page containers
        elementView - the element view
        uri - the page URI
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getNewElementData

        void getNewElementData​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                               CmsUUID detailContentId,
                               java.lang.String reqParams,
                               java.lang.String resourceType,
                               java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                               java.lang.String locale,
                     <CmsContainerElementData> callback)
        Returns new container element data for the given resource type name.

        context - the RPC context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        resourceType - the requested element resource type name
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getNewOptions

        void getNewOptions​(java.lang.String clientId,
                           CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                           java.lang.String requestParams,
                 <CmsDialogOptionsAndInfo> callback)
        Gets the edit handler options for creating a new element.

        clientId - the client id of the selected element
        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        requestParams - the request parameter string
        callback - the callback to call when done
      • getRecentList

        void getRecentList​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                           CmsUUID detailContentId,
                           java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                           java.lang.String locale,
                 <java.util.List<CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
        Requests the container element data of the recent list.

        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • getRemovedElementStatus

        void getRemovedElementStatus​(java.lang.String id,
                                     CmsUUID containerpageId,
                           <CmsRemovedElementStatus> callback)
        Gets the status of a removed element.

        id - the element's client id
        containerpageId - the id of the container page which should be excluded from the relation check, or null if no page should be excluded
        callback - the asynchronous callback to execute with the results
      • handleDelete

        void handleDelete​(java.lang.String clientId,
                          java.lang.String deleteOption,
                          CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                          java.lang.String requestParams,
                <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Handles the element deletion.

        clientId - the client element id
        deleteOption - the selected delete option
        pageStructureId - the current page structure id
        requestParams - optional request parameters
        callback - the asynchronous callback to execute with the results
      • loadClipboardTab

        void loadClipboardTab​(<java.lang.Integer> resultCallback)
        Loads the clipboard tab to initially select.

        resultCallback - the result callback
      • prefetch

        void prefetch​(<CmsCntPageData> callback)
        Returns the initialization data.

        callback - the async callback
      • prepareForEdit

        void prepareForEdit​(java.lang.String clientId,
                            java.lang.String editOption,
                            CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                            java.lang.String requestParams,
                  <CmsUUID> callback)
        Prepares an element to be edited.

        clientId - the client element id
        editOption - the selected delete option
        pageStructureId - the current page structure id
        requestParams - optional request parameters
        callback - the async callback
      • replaceElement

        void replaceElement​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                            CmsUUID detailContentId,
                            java.lang.String reqParams,
                            java.lang.String clientId,
                            java.lang.String replaceId,
                            java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                            java.lang.String locale,
                  <CmsContainerElementData> callback)
        Returns the element data to replace a given content element with another while keeping it's settings.

        context - the rpc context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        clientId - the id of the element to replace
        replaceId - the id of the replacing element
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the async callback
      • saveClipboardTab

        void saveClipboardTab​(int tabIndex,
                    <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Saves the selected clipboard tab.

        tabIndex - the index of the selected clipboard tab
        callback - the result callback
      • saveContainerpage

        void saveContainerpage​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                               java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,
                     <java.lang.Long> callback)
        Saves the container-page. Returning the save time stamp.

        pageStructureId - the container page structure id
        containers - the container-page's containers
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • saveDetailContainers

        void saveDetailContainers​(CmsUUID detailId,
                                  java.lang.String detailContainerResource,
                                  java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,
                        <java.lang.Long> callback)
        Saves the detail containers. Returning the save time stamp.

        detailId - the detail content id
        detailContainerResource - the detail container resource path
        containers - the container-page's containers
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • saveElementSettings

        void saveElementSettings​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                                 CmsUUID detailContentId,
                                 java.lang.String reqParams,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> settings,
                                 java.util.List<CmsContainer> containers,
                                 java.lang.String locale,
                       <CmsContainerElementData> callback)
        Saves the settings for the given element to the container page and returns the updated element data.

        context - the RPC context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        clientId - the requested element ids
        settings - the settings for which the element data should be loaded
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the callback for receiving the element data
      • saveFavoriteList

        void saveFavoriteList​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> clientIds,
                              java.lang.String uri,
                    <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Saves the favorite list.

        clientIds - favorite list element id's
        uri - the container page URI
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • saveGroupContainer

        void saveGroupContainer​(CmsContainerPageRpcContext context,
                                CmsUUID detailContentId,
                                java.lang.String reqParams,
                                CmsGroupContainer groupContainer,
                                java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                                java.lang.String locale,
                      <CmsGroupContainerSaveResult> callback)
        Saves a group-container element.

        context - the RPC context
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        reqParams - optional request parameters
        groupContainer - the group-container to save
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the content locale
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • saveInheritanceContainer

        void saveInheritanceContainer​(CmsUUID pageStructureId,
                                      CmsUUID detailContentId,
                                      CmsInheritanceContainer inheritanceContainer,
                                      java.util.Collection<CmsContainer> containers,
                                      java.lang.String locale,
                            <java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsContainerElementData>> callback)
        Saves an inheritance container.

        pageStructureId - the current page's structure id
        detailContentId - the detail content structure id
        inheritanceContainer - the inheritance container to save
        containers - the containers of the current page
        locale - the requested locale
        callback - the callback
      • saveRecentList

        void saveRecentList​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> clientIds,
                            java.lang.String uri,
                  <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Saves the recent list.

        clientIds - recent list element id's
        uri - the container page URI
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • setEditSmallElements

        void setEditSmallElements​(boolean editSmallElements,
                        <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Saves the default value for small element editability on page load.

        editSmallElements - the default value
        callback - the callback for the response
      • setElementView

        void setElementView​(CmsUUID elementView,
                  <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Sets the element view.

        elementView - the element view
        callback - the call-back executed on response
      • setLastPage

        void setLastPage​(CmsUUID pageId,
                         CmsUUID detailId,
               <java.lang.Void> callback)
        Stores information about the container page last edited.

        pageId - the page id
        detailId - the detail content id
        callback - the callback