Class CmsGallerySearchParameters

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCategories()
      Returns the categories that have been included in the search.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getContainerTypes()
      Returns the container types that have been included in the search. getDateCreatedRange()
      Returns the time range for the date of creation that has been used for the search result. getDateLastModifiedRange()
      Returns the time range for the dadelete examplete of last modification that has been used for the search result.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFolders()
      Returns the list of folders to search in.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGalleries()
      Returns the galleries that have been included in the search.
      java.lang.String getLocale()
      Returns the locale that has been used for the search.
      int getMatchesPerPage()
      Returns the maximum number of matches per result page.
      CmsSolrQuery getQuery​(CmsObject cms)
      Returns a CmsSolrQuery representation of this class.
      java.lang.String getReferencePath()
      Gets the reference path.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getResourceTypes()
      Returns the names of the resource types that have been included in the search result.
      int getResultPage()
      Returns the index of the requested result page.
      CmsGallerySearchScope getScope()
      The gallery search scope.
      java.lang.String getSearchWords()
      Returns the words (terms) that have been used for the full text search.
      CmsGallerySearchParameters.CmsGallerySortParam getSortOrder()
      Returns the sort order that has been used in the search.
      boolean isIgnoreSearchExclude()
      Returns the search exclude property ignore flag.
      boolean isIncludeExpired()
      Returns a flag, indicating if release and expiration date should be ignored.
      void setCategories​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> categories)
      Sets the categories for the search.
      void setContainerTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> containerTypes)
      Sets the container types for the search.
      void setDateCreatedTimeRange​(long startTime, long endTime)
      Sets the time range for the date of resource creation to consider in the search.
      void setDateLastModifiedTimeRange​(long startTime, long endTime)
      Sets the time range for the date of resource last modification to consider in the search.
      void setFolders​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> folders)
      Sets the folders to search in.
      void setFunctionAvailability​(CmsFunctionAvailability dynamicFunctionAvailability)
      Sets the dynamic function availability.
      void setGalleries​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> galleries)
      Sets the galleries for the search.
      void setIgnoreSearchExclude​(boolean excludeForPageEditor)
      Sets the search exclude property ignore flag.
      void setIncludeExpired​(boolean includeExpired)
      Set the flag, determining if expired and unreleased resources should be shown.
      void setMatchesPerPage​(int matchesPerPage)
      Sets the maximum number of matches per result page.
      void setReferencePath​(java.lang.String referencePath)
      Sets the gallery reference path.
      void setResourceTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> resourceTypes)
      Sets the names of the resource types to include in the search result.
      void setResultPage​(int resultPage)
      Sets the index of the result page that should be returned.
      void setScope​(CmsGallerySearchScope scope)
      Sets the search scope.
      void setSearchLocale​(java.lang.String locale)
      Sets the locale for the search.
      void setSearchWords​(java.lang.String words)
      Sets the words (terms) for the full text search.
      void setSortOrder​(CmsGallerySearchParameters.CmsGallerySortParam sortOrder)
      Sets the sort order for the search.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getCategories

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCategories()
        Returns the categories that have been included in the search.

        If no categories have been set, then null is returned.

        the categories that have been included in the search
      • getContainerTypes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getContainerTypes()
        Returns the container types that have been included in the search.

        the container types that have been included in the search
      • getDateCreatedRange

        public getDateCreatedRange()
        Returns the time range for the date of creation that has been used for the search result.

        In case this time range has not been set, this will return an object where the start date is equal to Long.MIN_VALUE and the end date is equal to Long.MAX_VALUE.

        the time range for the date of creation that has been used for the search result
      • getDateLastModifiedRange

        public getDateLastModifiedRange()
        Returns the time range for the dadelete examplete of last modification that has been used for the search result.

        In case this time range has not been set, this will return an object where the start date is equal to Long.MIN_VALUE and the end date is equal to Long.MAX_VALUE.

        the time range for the date of last modification that has been used for the search result
      • getFolders

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFolders()
        Returns the list of folders to search in.

        a list of paths of VFS folders
      • getGalleries

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getGalleries()
        Returns the galleries that have been included in the search.

        If no galleries have been set, then null is returned.

        the galleries that have been included in the search
      • getLocale

        public java.lang.String getLocale()
        Returns the locale that has been used for the search.

        If no locale has been set, then null is returned.

        the locale that has been used for the search
      • getQuery

        public CmsSolrQuery getQuery​(CmsObject cms)
        Returns a CmsSolrQuery representation of this class.
        cms - the openCms object.
        CmsSolrQuery representation of this class.
      • getReferencePath

        public java.lang.String getReferencePath()
        Gets the reference path.

        the gallery reference path
      • getResourceTypes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getResourceTypes()
        Returns the names of the resource types that have been included in the search result.

        If no resource types have been set, then null is returned.

        the names of the resource types that have been included in the search result
      • getSearchWords

        public java.lang.String getSearchWords()
        Returns the words (terms) that have been used for the full text search.

        If no search words have been set, then null is returned.

        the words (terms) that have been used for the full text search
      • isIgnoreSearchExclude

        public boolean isIgnoreSearchExclude()
        Returns the search exclude property ignore flag.

        the search exclude property ignore flag
      • isIncludeExpired

        public boolean isIncludeExpired()
        Returns a flag, indicating if release and expiration date should be ignored.

        a flag, indicating if release and expiration date should be ignored
      • setCategories

        public void setCategories​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> categories)
        Sets the categories for the search.

        Results are found only if they are contained in at least one of the given categories.

        categories - the categories to set
      • setContainerTypes

        public void setContainerTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> containerTypes)
        Sets the container types for the search.

        Results are found only if they are compatible with one of the given container types. If no container type is set, results compatible with any container will be returned in the search result.

        containerTypes - the container types to set
      • setDateCreatedTimeRange

        public void setDateCreatedTimeRange​(long startTime,
                                            long endTime)
        Sets the time range for the date of resource creation to consider in the search.

        startTime - the start time of the time range
        endTime - the end time of the time range
      • setDateLastModifiedTimeRange

        public void setDateLastModifiedTimeRange​(long startTime,
                                                 long endTime)
        Sets the time range for the date of resource last modification to consider in the search.

        startTime - the start time of the time range
        endTime - the end time of the time range
      • setFolders

        public void setFolders​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> folders)
        Sets the folders to search in.

        folders - the list of VFS folders
      • setFunctionAvailability

        public void setFunctionAvailability​(CmsFunctionAvailability dynamicFunctionAvailability)
        Sets the dynamic function availability.
        dynamicFunctionAvailability - the dynamic function availability
      • setGalleries

        public void setGalleries​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> galleries)
        Sets the galleries for the search.

        Results are found only if they are contained in one of the given galleries. If no gallery is set, results from all galleries will be returned in the search result.

        galleries - the galleries to set
      • setIgnoreSearchExclude

        public void setIgnoreSearchExclude​(boolean excludeForPageEditor)
        Sets the search exclude property ignore flag.

        excludeForPageEditor - the search exclude property ignore flag
      • setIncludeExpired

        public void setIncludeExpired​(boolean includeExpired)
        Set the flag, determining if expired and unreleased resources should be shown.
        includeExpired - iff true expired and unreleased resources are shown.
      • setReferencePath

        public void setReferencePath​(java.lang.String referencePath)
        Sets the gallery reference path.

        referencePath - the gallery reference path
      • setResourceTypes

        public void setResourceTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> resourceTypes)
        Sets the names of the resource types to include in the search result.

        Results are found only if they resources match one of the given resource type names. If no resource type name is set, all resource types will be returned in the search result.

        resourceTypes - the names of the resource types to include in the search result
      • setSearchLocale

        public void setSearchLocale​(java.lang.String locale)
        Sets the locale for the search.

        Results are found only if they match the given locale. If no locale is set, results for all locales will be returned in the search result.

        locale - the locale to set
      • setSearchWords

        public void setSearchWords​(java.lang.String words)
        Sets the words (terms) for the full text search.

        Results are found only if they text extraction for the resource contains all given search words. If no search word is set, all resources will be returned in the search result.

        Please note that this should be a list of words separated by white spaces. Simple Lucene modifiers such as (+), (-) and (*) are allowed, but anything more complex then this will be removed.

        words - the words (terms) for the full text search to set