Class SharedFileBackedOutputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable

    public class SharedFileBackedOutputStream
    extends FileBackedOutputStream
    A FileBackedOutputStream that allows for sharing in that it maintains a usage count and the backing file isn't deleted until the usage count reaches 0. The usage count is initialized to 1 on construction. Subsequent users of the instance must call incrementUsageCount(). The cleanup() method decrements the usage count and, when it reaches 0, the FileBackedOutputStream.cleanup() is called to delete the backing file.
    Thomas Pantelis
    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedFileBackedOutputStream

        public SharedFileBackedOutputStream​(int fileThreshold,
                                            String fileDirectory)
    • Method Detail

      • incrementUsageCount

        public void incrementUsageCount()
        Increments the usage count. This must be followed by a corresponding call to cleanup() when this instance is no longer needed.
      • getUsageCount

        public int getUsageCount()
        Returns the current usage count.
        the current usage count
      • setOnCleanupCallback

        public <T> void setOnCleanupCallback​(Consumer<T> callback,
                                             T context)
        Sets the callback to be notified when FileBackedOutputStream.cleanup() is called to delete the backing file.