Interface ShardManagerInfoMBean

  • public interface ShardManagerInfoMBean
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalShards

        List<String> getLocalShards()
        Returns the list of all the local shard names.
        a list of all the local shard names
      • getSyncStatus

        boolean getSyncStatus()
        Returns the overall sync status for all shards.
        true if all local shards are in sync with their corresponding leaders
      • getMemberName

        String getMemberName()
        Returns the name of the local member.
        the local member name
      • switchAllLocalShardsState

        void switchAllLocalShardsState​(String newBehavior,
                                       long term)
        Switches the raft behavior of all the local shards to the newBehavior.
        newBehavior - should be either Leader/Follower only
        term - when switching to the Leader specifies for which term the Shard would be the Leader. Any modifications made to state will be written with this term. This term will then be used by the Raft replication implementation to decide which modifications should stay and which ones should be removed. Ideally the term provided when switching to a new Leader should always be higher than the previous term.
      • switchShardState

        void switchShardState​(String shardName,
                              String newBehavior,
                              long term)
        Switches the raft behavior of the shard specified by shardName to the newBehavior.
        shardName - a shard that is local to this shard manager
        newBehavior - should be either Leader/Follower only
        term - when switching to the Leader specifies for which term the Shard would be the Leader. Any modifications made to state will be written with this term. This term will then be used by the Raft replication implementation to decide which modifications should stay and which ones should be removed. Ideally the term provided when switching to a new Leader should always be higher than the previous term.