Interface RaftActorRecoveryCohort

  • public interface RaftActorRecoveryCohort
    Interface for a class that participates in raft actor persistence recovery.
    Thomas Pantelis
    • Method Detail

      • startLogRecoveryBatch

        void startLogRecoveryBatch​(int maxBatchSize)
        This method is called during recovery at the start of a batch of state entries. Derived classes should perform any initialization needed to start a batch.
        maxBatchSize - the maximum batch size.
      • appendRecoveredLogEntry

        void appendRecoveredLogEntry​(Payload data)
        This method is called during recovery to append state data to the current batch. This method is called 1 or more times after startLogRecoveryBatch(int).
        data - the state data
      • applyRecoverySnapshot

        void applyRecoverySnapshot​(Snapshot.State snapshotState)
        This method is called during recovery to reconstruct the state of the actor.
        snapshotState - A snapshot of the state of the actor
      • getRestoreFromSnapshot

        @Nullable Snapshot getRestoreFromSnapshot()
        Returns the snapshot to restore from on recovery.
        the snapshot or null if there's no snapshot to restore