Interface ReplicatedLog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ReplicatedLog
    Represents the ReplicatedLog that needs to be kept in sync by the RaftActor.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static long NO_MAX_SIZE  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean append​(ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry)
      Appends an entry to the log.
      boolean appendAndPersist​(@NonNull ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry, @Nullable Consumer<ReplicatedLogEntry> callback, boolean doAsync)
      Appends an entry to the in-memory log and persists it as well.
      void captureSnapshotIfReady​(ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry)
      Determines if a snapshot needs to be captured based on the count/memory consumed and initiates the capture.
      void clear​(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Clears the journal entries with startIndex (inclusive) and endIndex (exclusive).
      int dataSize()
      Returns the size of the data in the log (in bytes).
      @Nullable ReplicatedLogEntry get​(long index)
      Return the replicated log entry at the specified index.
      @NonNull List<ReplicatedLogEntry> getFrom​(long index)
      Returns a list of log entries starting from the given index to the end of the log.
      @NonNull List<ReplicatedLogEntry> getFrom​(long index, int maxEntries, long maxDataSize)
      Returns a list of log entries starting from the given index up to the given maximum of entries or the given maximum accumulated size, whichever comes first.
      long getSnapshotIndex()
      Returns the index of the snapshot.
      long getSnapshotTerm()
      Returns the term of the snapshot.
      void increaseJournalLogCapacity​(int amount)
      Optimization method to increase the capacity of the journal log prior to appending entries.
      boolean isInSnapshot​(long index)
      Checks if the entry is present in a snapshot.
      boolean isPresent​(long index)
      Checks if the entry at the specified index is present or not.
      @Nullable ReplicatedLogEntry last()
      Return the last replicated log entry in the log or null of not found.
      long lastIndex()
      Return the index of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
      long lastTerm()
      Return the term of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
      long removeFrom​(long index)
      Removes entries from the in-memory log starting at the given index.
      boolean removeFromAndPersist​(long index)
      Removes entries from the in-memory log and the persisted log starting at the given index.
      void setSnapshotIndex​(long snapshotIndex)
      Sets the snapshot index in the replicated log.
      void setSnapshotTerm​(long snapshotTerm)
      Sets snapshot term.
      boolean shouldCaptureSnapshot​(long logIndex)
      Determines if a snapshot should be captured based on the count/memory consumed.
      long size()
      Returns the number of entries in the journal.
      default void snapshotCommit()
      Sets the Replicated log to state after snapshot success.
      void snapshotCommit​(boolean updateDataSize)
      Sets the Replicated log to state after snapshot success.
      void snapshotPreCommit​(long snapshotCapturedIndex, long snapshotCapturedTerm)
      Handles all the bookkeeping in order to perform a rollback in the event of SaveSnapshotFailure.
      void snapshotRollback()
      Restores the replicated log to a state in the event of a save snapshot failure.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        @Nullable ReplicatedLogEntry get​(long index)
        Return the replicated log entry at the specified index.
        index - the index of the log entry
        the ReplicatedLogEntry if found, otherwise null if the adjusted index less than 0 or greater than the size of the in-memory journal
      • last

        @Nullable ReplicatedLogEntry last()
        Return the last replicated log entry in the log or null of not found.
        the last replicated log entry in the log or null of not found.
      • lastIndex

        long lastIndex()
        Return the index of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
        the index of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
      • lastTerm

        long lastTerm()
        Return the term of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
        the term of the last entry in the log or -1 if the log is empty.
      • removeFrom

        long removeFrom​(long index)
        Removes entries from the in-memory log starting at the given index.
        index - the index of the first log entry to remove
        the adjusted index of the first log entry removed or -1 if the log entry is not found.
      • removeFromAndPersist

        boolean removeFromAndPersist​(long index)
        Removes entries from the in-memory log and the persisted log starting at the given index.

        The persisted information would then be used during recovery to properly reconstruct the state of the in-memory replicated log

        index - the index of the first log entry to remove
        true if entries were removed, false otherwise
      • append

        boolean append​(ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry)
        Appends an entry to the log.
        replicatedLogEntry - the entry to append
        true if the entry was successfully appended, false otherwise. An entry can fail to append if the index is already included in the log.
      • increaseJournalLogCapacity

        void increaseJournalLogCapacity​(int amount)
        Optimization method to increase the capacity of the journal log prior to appending entries.
        amount - the amount to increase by
      • appendAndPersist

        boolean appendAndPersist​(@NonNull ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry,
                                 @Nullable Consumer<ReplicatedLogEntry> callback,
                                 boolean doAsync)
        Appends an entry to the in-memory log and persists it as well.
        replicatedLogEntry - the entry to append
        callback - the callback to be notified when persistence is complete (optional).
        doAsync - if true, the persistent actor can receive subsequent messages to process in between the persist call and the execution of the associated callback. If false, subsequent messages are stashed and get delivered after persistence is complete and the associated callback is executed. In either case the callback is guaranteed to execute in the context of the actor associated with this log.
        true if the entry was successfully appended, false otherwise.
      • getFrom

        @NonNull List<ReplicatedLogEntry> getFrom​(long index)
        Returns a list of log entries starting from the given index to the end of the log.
        index - the index of the first log entry to get.
        the List of entries
      • getFrom

        @NonNull List<ReplicatedLogEntry> getFrom​(long index,
                                                  int maxEntries,
                                                  long maxDataSize)
        Returns a list of log entries starting from the given index up to the given maximum of entries or the given maximum accumulated size, whichever comes first.
        index - the index of the first log entry to get
        maxEntries - the maximum number of entries to get
        maxDataSize - the maximum accumulated size of the log entries to get
        the List of entries meeting the criteria.
      • size

        long size()
        Returns the number of entries in the journal.
        the number of entries
      • isPresent

        boolean isPresent​(long index)
        Checks if the entry at the specified index is present or not.
        index - the index of the log entry
        true if the entry is present in the in-memory journal
      • isInSnapshot

        boolean isInSnapshot​(long index)
        Checks if the entry is present in a snapshot.
        index - the index of the log entry
        true if the entry is in the snapshot. false if the entry is not in the snapshot even if the entry may be present in the replicated log
      • getSnapshotIndex

        long getSnapshotIndex()
        Returns the index of the snapshot.
        the index from which the snapshot was created. -1 otherwise.
      • getSnapshotTerm

        long getSnapshotTerm()
        Returns the term of the snapshot.
        the term of the index from which the snapshot was created. -1 otherwise
      • setSnapshotIndex

        void setSnapshotIndex​(long snapshotIndex)
        Sets the snapshot index in the replicated log.
        snapshotIndex - the index to set
      • setSnapshotTerm

        void setSnapshotTerm​(long snapshotTerm)
        Sets snapshot term.
        snapshotTerm - the term to set
      • clear

        void clear​(int startIndex,
                   int endIndex)
        Clears the journal entries with startIndex (inclusive) and endIndex (exclusive).
        startIndex - the start index (inclusive)
        endIndex - the end index (exclusive)
      • snapshotPreCommit

        void snapshotPreCommit​(long snapshotCapturedIndex,
                               long snapshotCapturedTerm)
        Handles all the bookkeeping in order to perform a rollback in the event of SaveSnapshotFailure.
        snapshotCapturedIndex - the new snapshot index
        snapshotCapturedTerm - the new snapshot term
      • snapshotCommit

        default void snapshotCommit()
        Sets the Replicated log to state after snapshot success. This method is equivalent to snapshotCommit(true).
      • snapshotCommit

        void snapshotCommit​(boolean updateDataSize)
        Sets the Replicated log to state after snapshot success. Most users will want to use snapshotCommit() instead.
        updateDataSize - true if dataSize() should also be updated
      • snapshotRollback

        void snapshotRollback()
        Restores the replicated log to a state in the event of a save snapshot failure.
      • dataSize

        int dataSize()
        Returns the size of the data in the log (in bytes).
        the size of the data in the log (in bytes)
      • captureSnapshotIfReady

        void captureSnapshotIfReady​(ReplicatedLogEntry replicatedLogEntry)
        Determines if a snapshot needs to be captured based on the count/memory consumed and initiates the capture.
        replicatedLogEntry - the last log entry.
      • shouldCaptureSnapshot

        boolean shouldCaptureSnapshot​(long logIndex)
        Determines if a snapshot should be captured based on the count/memory consumed.
        logIndex - the log index to use to determine if the log count has exceeded the threshold
        true if a snapshot should be captured, false otherwise