Class Follower

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, RaftActorBehavior

    public class Follower
    extends AbstractRaftActorBehavior
    The behavior of a RaftActor in the Follower raft state.
    • Respond to RPCs from candidates and leaders
    • If election timeout elapses without receiving AppendEntries RPC from current leader or granting vote to candidate: convert to candidate
    • Method Detail

      • getLeaderId

        public final String getLeaderId()
        Description copied from interface: RaftActorBehavior
        Returns the id of the leader.
        the id of the leader or null if not known
      • setLeaderId

        protected final void setLeaderId​(@Nullable String leaderId)
      • getLeaderPayloadVersion

        public short getLeaderPayloadVersion()
        Description copied from interface: RaftActorBehavior
        Returns the leader's payload data version.
        a short representing the version
      • setLeaderPayloadVersion

        protected final void setLeaderPayloadVersion​(short leaderPayloadVersion)
      • handleAppendEntries

        protected RaftActorBehavior handleAppendEntries​(ActorRef sender,
                                                        AppendEntries appendEntries)
        Description copied from class: AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        Derived classes should not directly handle AppendEntries messages it should let the base class handle it first. Once the base class handles the AppendEntries message and does the common actions that are applicable in all RaftState's it will delegate the handling of the AppendEntries message to the derived class to do more state specific handling by calling this method
        Specified by:
        handleAppendEntries in class AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        sender - The actor that sent this message
        appendEntries - The AppendEntries message
        a new behavior if it was changed or the current behavior
      • handleAppendEntriesReply

        protected RaftActorBehavior handleAppendEntriesReply​(ActorRef sender,
                                                             AppendEntriesReply appendEntriesReply)
        Description copied from class: AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        Derived classes should not directly handle AppendEntriesReply messages it should let the base class handle it first. Once the base class handles the AppendEntriesReply message and does the common actions that are applicable in all RaftState's it will delegate the handling of the AppendEntriesReply message to the derived class to do more state specific handling by calling this method
        Specified by:
        handleAppendEntriesReply in class AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        sender - The actor that sent this message
        appendEntriesReply - The AppendEntriesReply message
        a new behavior if it was changed or the current behavior
      • handleRequestVoteReply

        protected RaftActorBehavior handleRequestVoteReply​(ActorRef sender,
                                                           RequestVoteReply requestVoteReply)
        Description copied from class: AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        Derived classes should not directly handle RequestVoteReply messages it should let the base class handle it first. Once the base class handles the RequestVoteReply message and does the common actions that are applicable in all RaftState's it will delegate the handling of the RequestVoteReply message to the derived class to do more state specific handling by calling this method
        Specified by:
        handleRequestVoteReply in class AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        sender - The actor that sent this message
        requestVoteReply - The RequestVoteReply message
        a new behavior if it was changed or the current behavior
      • handleMessage

        public RaftActorBehavior handleMessage​(ActorRef sender,
                                               Object message)
        Description copied from interface: RaftActorBehavior
        Handle a message. If the processing of the message warrants a state change then a new behavior should be returned otherwise this method should return the current behavior.
        Specified by:
        handleMessage in interface RaftActorBehavior
        handleMessage in class AbstractRaftActorBehavior
        sender - The sender of the message
        message - A message that needs to be processed
        The new behavior or current behavior, or null if the message was not handled.
      • close

        public void close()