Class DisableElectionsRaftPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DisableElectionsRaftPolicy
    extends Object
    implements RaftPolicy
    DisableElectionsRaftPolicy can be used for actors that does not participate in shard election. Modification to state would still require consensus.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisableElectionsRaftPolicy

        public DisableElectionsRaftPolicy()
    • Method Detail

      • automaticElectionsEnabled

        public boolean automaticElectionsEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: RaftPolicy
        According to Raft a Follower which does not receive a heartbeat (aka AppendEntries) in a given period should become a Candidate and trigger an election.
        Specified by:
        automaticElectionsEnabled in interface RaftPolicy
        true to enable automatic Raft elections, false to disable them
      • applyModificationToStateBeforeConsensus

        public boolean applyModificationToStateBeforeConsensus()
        Description copied from interface: RaftPolicy
        According to Raft consensus on a Raft entry is achieved only after a Leader replicates a log entry to a majority of it's followers.
        Specified by:
        applyModificationToStateBeforeConsensus in interface RaftPolicy
        true if modification should be applied before consensus, false to apply modification to state as per Raft