Interface ClientActorConfig

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ClientActorConfig
    Interface for client actor configuration parameters.
    Thomas Pantelis
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getBackendAlivenessTimerInterval()
      Returns the timer interval whereby, on expiration after response inactivity from the back-end, the connection to the back-end is torn down and reconnection is attempted.
      int getFileBackedStreamingThreshold()
      Returns the threshold in bytes before switching from storing in memory to buffering to a file when streaming large amounts of data.
      int getMaximumMessageSliceSize()
      Returns the maximum size in bytes for a message slice when fragmenting messages thru the akka remoting framework.
      long getNoProgressTimeout()
      Returns the timeout interval whereby the client front-end hasn't made progress with the back-end on any request and terminates.
      long getRequestTimeout()
      Returns the timeout interval whereby requests are failed.
      String getTempFileDirectory()
      Returns the directory in which to create temporary files.
    • Method Detail

      • getMaximumMessageSliceSize

        int getMaximumMessageSliceSize()
        Returns the maximum size in bytes for a message slice when fragmenting messages thru the akka remoting framework.
        the maximum size in bytes
      • getFileBackedStreamingThreshold

        int getFileBackedStreamingThreshold()
        Returns the threshold in bytes before switching from storing in memory to buffering to a file when streaming large amounts of data.
        the threshold in bytes
      • getTempFileDirectory

        String getTempFileDirectory()
        Returns the directory in which to create temporary files.
        the directory name
      • getBackendAlivenessTimerInterval

        long getBackendAlivenessTimerInterval()
        Returns the timer interval whereby, on expiration after response inactivity from the back-end, the connection to the back-end is torn down and reconnection is attempted.
        timer interval in nanoseconds.
      • getRequestTimeout

        long getRequestTimeout()
        Returns the timeout interval whereby requests are failed.
        the timeout interval in nanoseconds.
      • getNoProgressTimeout

        long getNoProgressTimeout()
        Returns the timeout interval whereby the client front-end hasn't made progress with the back-end on any request and terminates.
        the timeout interval in nanoseconds.