Interface CDSDataTreeProducer

    • Method Detail

      • getShardAccess

        @NonNull CDSShardAccess getShardAccess​(@NonNull DOMDataTreeIdentifier subtree)
        Return a CDSShardAccess handle. This handle will remain valid as long as this producer is operational. Returned handle can be accessed independently from this producer and is not subject to the usual access restrictions imposed on DOMDataTreeProducer state.
        subtree - One of the subtrees to which are currently under control of this producer
        A shard access handle.
        NullPointerException - when subtree is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified subtree is not controlled by this producer
        IllegalStateException - if this producer is no longer operational
        IllegalThreadStateException - if the access rules to this producer are violated, for example if this producer is bound and this thread is currently not executing from a listener context.