Class ImmutableElectionTerm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ImmutableElectionTerm
    extends Object
    implements ElectionTerm
    Immutable implementation of ElectionTerm.
    Thomas Pantelis
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentTerm

        public long getCurrentTerm()
        Description copied from interface: ElectionTerm
        Returns the current leader's Raft term.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentTerm in interface ElectionTerm
        the current leader's Raft term.
      • getVotedFor

        public String getVotedFor()
        Description copied from interface: ElectionTerm
        Returns the id of the candidate that this server voted for in current term.
        Specified by:
        getVotedFor in interface ElectionTerm
        candidate id that received the vote or null if no candidate was voted for.
      • update

        public void update​(long newTerm,
                           String newVotedFor)
        Description copied from interface: ElectionTerm
        This method updates the in-memory election term state. This method should be called when recovering election state from persistent storage.
        Specified by:
        update in interface ElectionTerm
        newTerm - the election term.
        newVotedFor - the candidate id that was voted for.
      • updateAndPersist

        public void updateAndPersist​(long newTerm,
                                     String newVotedFor)
        Description copied from interface: ElectionTerm
        This method updates the in-memory election term state and persists it so it can be recovered on next restart. This method should be called when starting a new election or when a Raft RPC message is received with a higher term.
        Specified by:
        updateAndPersist in interface ElectionTerm
        newTerm - the election term.
        newVotedFor - the candidate id that was voted for.