Class AbstractMXBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMXBean

        protected AbstractMXBean​(@NonNull String beanName,
                                 @NonNull String beanType,
                                 @Nullable String beanCategory)
        beanName - Used as the name property in the bean's ObjectName.
        beanType - Used as the type property in the bean's ObjectName.
        beanCategory - Used as the Category property in the bean's ObjectName.
    • Method Detail

      • register

        public void register()
        This method is a wrapper for registerMBean with void return type so it can be invoked by dependency injection frameworks such as Spring and Blueprint.
      • registerMBean

        public boolean registerMBean()
        Registers this bean with the platform MBean server with the domain defined by BASE_JMX_PREFIX.
        true is successfully registered, false otherwise.
      • unregister

        public void unregister()
        This method is a wrapper for unregisterMBean with void return type so it can be invoked by dependency injection frameworks such as Spring and Blueprint.
      • unregisterMBean

        public boolean unregisterMBean()
        Unregisters this bean with the platform MBean server.
        true is successfully unregistered, false otherwise.
      • getMBeanName

        public String getMBeanName()
        Returns the name property of the bean's ObjectName.
      • getMBeanType

        public String getMBeanType()
        Returns the type property of the bean's ObjectName.
      • getMBeanCategory

        public String getMBeanCategory()
        Returns the Category property of the bean's ObjectName.