Interface EventAggregatorService

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EventAggregatorService
    extends RpcService
    Interface for implementing the following YANG RPCs defined in module event-aggregator
     rpc create-topic {
       input input {
         leaf notification-pattern {
           type notification-pattern;
         leaf node-id-pattern {
           type pattern;
       output output {
         leaf topic-id {
           type topic-id;
     rpc destroy-topic {
       input input {
         leaf topic-id {
           type topic-id;
    • Method Detail

      • createTopic

        ListenableFuture<RpcResult<CreateTopicOutput>> createTopic​(CreateTopicInput input)
        Invoke create-topic RPC.
                 Create a new topic. A topic is an aggregation of several notification types from
                 a set of nodes. Each successful invocation results in a unique topic being
                 created. The caller is responsible for removing the topic once it is no longer
        input - of create-topic
        output of create-topic