Interface IMappingServiceShell

public interface IMappingServiceShell
This interface defines the methods that need to be implemented in order to provide commands for the Karaf shell.
Lorand Jakab
  • Method Details

    • printMappings

      String printMappings()
      Print the full mapping database.
      the text to be printed on the Karaf console.
    • prettyPrintMappings

      String prettyPrintMappings()
      Print the full mapping database in human readable form.
      the text to be printed on the Karaf console.
    • printKeys

      String printKeys()
      Print the full authentication key database.
      the text to be printed on the Karaf console.
    • prettyPrintKeys

      String prettyPrintKeys()
      Print the full authentication key database in human readable form.
      the text to be printed on the Karaf console.
    • addDefaultKeyIPv4

      void addDefaultKeyIPv4()
      Add the default key "password" for the IPv4 prefix
    • addDefaultKeyIPv6

      void addDefaultKeyIPv6()
      Add the default key "password" for the IPv6 prefix ::0/0.