Interface DOMStoreReadTransaction

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, DOMStoreTransaction, Identifiable<Object>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SnapshotBackedReadTransaction, SnapshotBackedReadWriteTransaction

public interface DOMStoreReadTransaction extends DOMStoreTransaction
  • Method Details

    • read

      Reads data from provided logical data store located at provided path.
      path - Path which uniquely identifies subtree which client want to read
      a FluentFuture containing the result of the read. The Future blocks until the commit operation is complete. Once complete:
      • If the data at the supplied path exists, the Future returns an Optional object containing the data.
      • If the data at the supplied path does not exist, the Future returns Optional.empty().
      • If the read of the data fails, the Future will fail with a ReadFailedException or an exception derived from ReadFailedException.
    • exists

      Checks if data is available in the logical data store located at provided path.

      Note: a successful result from this method makes no guarantee that a subsequent call to read( will succeed. It is possible that the data resides in a data store on a remote node and, if that node goes down or a network failure occurs, a subsequent read would fail. Another scenario is if the data is deleted in between the calls to exists and read

      path - Path which uniquely identifies subtree which client want to check existence of
      a FluentFuture containing the result of the check.
      • If the data at the supplied path exists, the Future returns a Boolean whose value is true, false otherwise
      • If checking for the data fails, the Future will fail with a ReadFailedException or an exception derived from ReadFailedException.
    • execute

      default @NonNull FluentFuture<DOMQueryResult> execute(DOMQuery query)
      Executes a query on the provided logical data store.

      Default operation invokes read(query.getRoot()) and then executes the result with DOMQueryEvaluator. Implementations are encouraged to provide a more efficient implementation as appropriate.

      query - DOMQuery to execute
      a FluentFuture containing the result of the query. The Future blocks until the operation is complete. Once complete:
      • The Future returns the result of the query
      • If the query execution fails, the Future will fail with a ReadFailedException or an exception derived from ReadFailedException.
      NullPointerException - if any of the arguments is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the query is not supported