Interface Annotation<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Value type
    All Superinterfaces:
    BindingObject, ValueAware<T>

    public interface Annotation<T>
    extends BindingObject, ValueAware<T>
    Base marker interface implemented by all YANG-defined annotations through the facilities provided by RFC7952. This interface is not meant to be directly implemented, but rather serves as a hook for generated code.

    An Annotation is a cross between a TypeObject, a DataObject and an Augmentation:

    • Similar to a TypeObject it can only hold a single scalar value, which has to be present.
    • Similar to most TypeObjects, the value is available through ValueAware.getValue() method
    • Similar to a DataObject, the return type of ValueAware.getValue() can point to a generated TypeObject, not only a base YANG type
    • Similar to an Augmentation it can be attached to other objects via AnnotationAware interface. Unlike augmentations, though, annotations do not have a strict tie to the object they attach to.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from interface org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.ValueAware
