Interface TransactionChainListener

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TransactionChainListener
    extends EventListener
    Listener for transaction chain events.
    • Method Detail

      • onTransactionChainFailed

        void onTransactionChainFailed​(@NonNull TransactionChain chain,
                                      @NonNull Transaction transaction,
                                      @NonNull Throwable cause)
        Invoked if when a transaction in the chain fails. All transactions submitted after the failed transaction, in the chain, are automatically cancelled by the time this notification is invoked. Open transactions need to be closed or cancelled. Implementations should invoke chain.close() to close the chain.
        chain - Transaction chain which failed
        transaction - Transaction which caused the chain to fail
        cause - The cause of transaction failure
      • onTransactionChainSuccessful

        void onTransactionChainSuccessful​(@NonNull TransactionChain chain)
        Invoked when a transaction chain is completed. A transaction chain is considered completed when it has been closed and all its instructions have completed successfully.
        chain - Transaction chain which completed