Class BuilderGenerator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class BuilderGenerator
    extends Object
    implements CodeGenerator
    Transformator of the data from the virtual form to JAVA programming language. The result source code represent java class. For generation of the source code is used the template written in XTEND language.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuilderGenerator

        public BuilderGenerator()
    • Method Detail

      • isAcceptable

        public boolean isAcceptable​(Type type)
        Passes via list of implemented types in type.
        Specified by:
        isAcceptable in interface CodeGenerator
        type - JAVA Type
        boolean value which is true if any of implemented types is of the type Augmentable.
      • generate

        public String generate​(Type type)
        Generates JAVA source code for generated type Type. The code is generated according to the template source code template which is written in XTEND language.
        Specified by:
        generate in interface CodeGenerator
        type - Input type to be processed
        generated JAVA code
      • getUnitName

        public String getUnitName​(Type type)
        Description copied from interface: CodeGenerator
        Returns name of type parameter.
        Specified by:
        getUnitName in interface CodeGenerator
        type - Input type to be processed
        name of generated unit