Interface ParameterizedType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Identifiable<JavaTypeName>, Type

    public interface ParameterizedType
    extends Type
    Represents an instance of simple parameterized type such as List<String>. The parameterized Type is designed to be used to store information of Java Generic Type. The array of getActualTypeArguments() holds information of all generic parameters defined for Parameterized Type.
    • Method Detail

      • getActualTypeArguments

        Type[] getActualTypeArguments()
        Returns array of Types that are defined for Parameterized Type.
        (for example if ParameterizedType encapsulates java generic Map that specifies two parameters Map<K,V> and the K is java.lang.Integer and V is defined as GeneratedType the array will contain two Types to store the information of generic parameters.)
        array of Types that are defined for Parameterized Type.
      • getRawType

        Type getRawType()
        Returns the Raw Type definition of Parameterized Type.
        the Raw Type definition of Parameterized Type.