Interface DOMStoreTreeChangePublisher

    • Method Detail

      • registerTreeChangeListener

        <L extends DOMDataTreeChangeListener> @NonNull ListenerRegistration<L> registerTreeChangeListener​(@NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier treeId,
                                                                                                          @NonNull L listener)
        Registers a DOMDataTreeChangeListener to receive notifications when data changes under a given path in the conceptual data tree.

        You are able to register for notifications for any node or subtree which can be represented using YangInstanceIdentifier.

        You are able to register for data change notifications for a subtree or leaf even if it does not exist. You will receive notification once that node is created.

        If there is any pre-existing data in data tree on path for which you are registering, you will receive initial data change event, which will contain all pre-existing data, marked as created. If the data at the supplied path does not exist, you will also receive initial data change event, which will contain empty data tree modification, marked as unmodified.

        This method returns a ListenerRegistration object. To "unregister" your listener for changes call the ListenerRegistration.close() method on this returned object.

        You MUST explicitly unregister your listener when you no longer want to receive notifications. This is especially true in OSGi environments, where failure to do so during bundle shutdown can lead to stale listeners being still registered.

        treeId - Data tree identifier of the subtree which should be watched for changes.
        listener - Listener instance which is being registered
        Listener registration object, which may be used to unregister your listener using ListenerRegistration.close() to stop delivery of change events.