Class RegexPatterns

  • @Beta
    public final class RegexPatterns
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • isNegatedPattern

        public static boolean isNegatedPattern​(Pattern pattern)
        Check if the specified Pattern is the result of negatePatternString(String). This method assumes the pattern was not hand-coded but rather was automatically-generated, such that its non-automated parts come from XSD regular expressions. If this constraint is violated, this method may result false positives.
        pattern - Pattern to check
        True if this pattern is a negation.
        NullPointerException - if pattern is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the pattern does not conform to expected structure
      • negatePatternString

        public static String negatePatternString​(String pattern)
        Create a Pattern expression which performs inverted match to the specified pattern. The input pattern is expected to be a valid regular expression passing Pattern.compile(String) and to have both start and end of string anchors as the first and last characters.
        pattern - Pattern regular expression to negate
        Negated regular expression
        IllegalArgumentException - if the pattern does not conform to expected structure
        NullPointerException - if pattern is null