Interface LengthRestrictedTypeDefinition<T extends TypeDefinition<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - Concrete TypeDefinition subinterface
All Superinterfaces:
DocumentedNode, DocumentedNode.WithStatus, SchemaNode, TypeDefinition<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
BinaryTypeDefinition, StringTypeDefinition

public interface LengthRestrictedTypeDefinition<T extends TypeDefinition<T>> extends TypeDefinition<T>
Interface for TypeDefinitions which can have their values restricted to a set of allowed lengths.
  • Method Details

    • getLengthConstraint

      Optional<LengthConstraint> getLengthConstraint()
      Returns length constraint of this type, if applicable. This is the effective constraint, e.g. it includes any length constraints implied by base type hierarchy.
      length constraint which are specified in the length substatement of the type statement.