All Superinterfaces:
AddedByUsesAware, CopyableNode, DataSchemaNode, DocumentedNode, DocumentedNode.WithStatus, SchemaNode, TypeAware, WhenConditionAware
All Known Subinterfaces:
LeafListSchemaNode, LeafSchemaNode

public sealed interface TypedDataSchemaNode extends DataSchemaNode, TypeAware permits LeafSchemaNode, LeafListSchemaNode
A DataSchemaNode which holds values of the same type. This can be either a single value, like in a LeafSchemaNode or multiple values, like a LeafListSchemaNode.
Robert Varga
  • Method Details

    • getType

      TypeDefinition<? extends TypeDefinition<?>> getType()
      Returns type of the instance which implements DataSchemaNode.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface TypeAware
      type definition of leaf or leaf-list schema node which represents the value of the argument of the YANG type substatement of the leaf or leaf-list statement