Interface SchemaTreeEffectiveStatement<D extends DeclaredStatement<QName>>

Type Parameters:
D - Declared statement type
All Superinterfaces:
EffectiveStatement<QName,D>, ModelStatement<QName>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionEffectiveStatement, AnydataEffectiveStatement, AnyxmlEffectiveStatement, CaseEffectiveStatement, ChoiceEffectiveStatement, ContainerEffectiveStatement, DataTreeEffectiveStatement<D>, InputEffectiveStatement, LeafEffectiveStatement, LeafListEffectiveStatement, ListEffectiveStatement, NotificationEffectiveStatement, OutputEffectiveStatement, RpcEffectiveStatement

public interface SchemaTreeEffectiveStatement<D extends DeclaredStatement<QName>> extends EffectiveStatement<QName,D>
Common interface grouping all EffectiveStatements which are accessible via SchemaTreeAwareEffectiveStatement.schemaTreeNodes(). This such statement corresponds to a schema node.

This interface could be named SchemaNodeEffectiveStatement, but that could induce a notion that it has something to do with SchemaNode -- which it has not. SchemaNode semantics are wrong in may aspects and while implementations of this interface may also implement SchemaNode, the semantics of this interface should always be preferred and SchemaNode is to be treated as deprecated whenever possible.