Interface ContainerSchemaNode

All Superinterfaces:
ActionNodeContainer, AddedByUsesAware, AugmentationTarget, ContainerLike, CopyableNode, DataNodeContainer, DataSchemaNode, DocumentedNode, DocumentedNode.WithStatus, EffectiveStatementEquivalent<ContainerEffectiveStatement>, MustConstraintAware, NotificationNodeContainer, SchemaNode, WhenConditionAware
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContainerEffectiveStatement, EmptyContainerEffectiveStatement, RegularContainerEffectiveStatement

public interface ContainerSchemaNode extends ContainerLike, EffectiveStatementEquivalent<ContainerEffectiveStatement>
The ContainerSchemaNode is used to define an interior data node in the schema tree. There are two styles of containers, those that exist only for organizing the hierarchy of data nodes, and those whose presence in the configuration has an explicit meaning.
  • Method Details

    • isPresenceContainer

      boolean isPresenceContainer()
      Returns true if this container is marked as presence.
      true, if presence of this container has an explicit meaning, false otherwise