yangtools-docs 11.0.7 API

Concepts used widely across OpenDaylight code base.
YANG metamodel extensions to support OpenDaylight extensions as defined in yang-ext.yang.
YANG parser support for OpenDaylight extensions as defined in yang-ext.yang.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in OpenConfig.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in OpenConfig.
API exposed by generator plugins, i.e.
YANG metamodel extensions to support NETCONF, filters as defined in RFC6241.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in RFC6241.
YANG metamodel extensions to support NACM, as defined in RFC6536.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in RFC6536.
YANG metamodel extensions to support metadata, as defined in RFC7952.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in RFC7952.
Support package for semantics defined in RFC8040, most notably yang-data statement.
YANG metamodel extensions to support mount-poing, as defined in RFC8528.
YANG parser support for metamodel extensions defined in RFC8528.
Various utility classes.
Utility classes for dealing with asynchronous and concurrent tasks.
Utility classes for dealing with XML documents.
Common YANG concepts and constants expressed in terms of Java.
Common utilities bridging common YANG constructs with Netty.
Definition of normalized YANG DOM Model.
Intermediate representation of a YANG file.
Definition of structures and DOM like API of effected YANG schema.
Meta model of YANG model as was defined in RFC6020 and extracted by analysis of YANG text.
Compatibility interfaces for implementations which implement both EffectiveStatement and SchemaNode.
Utility classes and implementations for concepts defined in yang-model-api.
ANTLR grammars for parsing RFC7950 constructs.
YANG parser public API.
This package holds the 'parser implementation', which really is just glue code holding together the statement reactor, base RFC6020/RFC7950 support bundles and supported semantic extensions.
Package holding implementation-specific namespace declarations for RFC7950.
Base RFC7950 reactor and supporting classes.
Statement library for YANG version 1 and 1.1, as defined in RFC6020 and RFC7950.
Package holding wiring towards RFC7950Reactors, or more broadly towards the reactor implementation.
Provides essential namespaces which are filled in the parsing process.
Provides base abstract classes, interfaces and common implementation used by the statement parser.
Provides API necessary for the processing of statement sources.
Provides interfaces and enumerations necessary for validation processes.
Contains the implementation of the parser reactor CrossSourceStatementReactor.
ANTLR grammars for parsing RFC7950 XPath constructs.
Model of a RFC7950 XPath Expression.
XPath parsing which results in a YangExpr.
Package exposing YangXPathParserFactory component to various dependency injection frameworks, so they can locate them.