Interface UserOrderedAware<E extends OrderedByAwareEffectiveStatement<?,?>>

Type Parameters:
E - Effective representation of the underlying YANG statement
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
EffectiveStatementMixins.UserOrderedAwareMixin<A,D,E>, LeafListSchemaNode, ListSchemaNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyLeafListEffectiveStatement, EmptyListEffectiveStatement, RegularLeafListEffectiveStatement, RegularListEffectiveStatement, SlimLeafListEffectiveStatement

@Beta public interface UserOrderedAware<E extends OrderedByAwareEffectiveStatement<?,?>> extends EffectiveStatementEquivalent<E>
Common interface for DataSchemaNodes which can have an ordered-by substatement.
  • Method Details

    • isUserOrdered

      default boolean isUserOrdered()
      YANG ordered-by statement. It defines whether the order of entries within this node are determined by the user or the system. If not present, default is false.
      true if ordered-by argument is user, false otherwise