Class IRStatement

    • Method Detail

      • keyword

        public final @NonNull IRKeyword keyword()
        Return this statement's keyword.
        This statement's keyword.
      • argument

        public final @Nullable IRArgument argument()
        Return this statement's argument, if it is present.
        This statement's argument, or null if this statement does not have an argument
      • statements

        public @NonNull List<? extends IRStatement> statements()
        Return this statement's substatements.
        This statement's substatements.
      • startLine

        public abstract int startLine()
        Return the line number on which this statement's keyword has its first character, counting from 1. This information is used only for diagnostic purposes.
        Line number where this statement started in the source code.
      • startColumn

        public abstract int startColumn()
        Return the column number on which this statement's keyword has its first character, counting from 0. This information is used only for diagnostic purposes.
        Column number where this statement started in the source code.