Class AsyncProfiler

    • Method Detail

      • beforeIteration

        public void beforeIteration​(BenchmarkParams benchmarkParams,
                                    IterationParams iterationParams)
        Description copied from interface: InternalProfiler
        Run this code before starting the next benchmark iteration.
        Specified by:
        beforeIteration in interface InternalProfiler
        benchmarkParams - benchmark parameters used for current launch
        iterationParams - iteration parameters used for current launch
      • afterIteration

        public Collection<? extends Result> afterIteration​(BenchmarkParams benchmarkParams,
                                                           IterationParams iterationParams,
                                                           IterationResult iterationResult)
        Description copied from interface: InternalProfiler
        Run this code after a benchmark iteration finished
        Specified by:
        afterIteration in interface InternalProfiler
        benchmarkParams - benchmark parameters used for current launch
        iterationParams - iteration parameters used for current launch
        iterationResult - iteration result
        profiler results
      • beforeTrial

        public void beforeTrial​(BenchmarkParams benchmarkParams)
        Description copied from interface: ExternalProfiler
        Run this code before starting the trial. This method will execute before starting the benchmark JVM.
        Specified by:
        beforeTrial in interface ExternalProfiler
        benchmarkParams - benchmark parameters used for current launch
      • afterTrial

        public Collection<? extends Result> afterTrial​(BenchmarkResult br,
                                                       long pid,
                                                       File stdOut,
                                                       File stdErr)
        Description copied from interface: ExternalProfiler
        Run this code after the trial is done. This method will execute after benchmark JVM had stopped.
        Specified by:
        afterTrial in interface ExternalProfiler
        br - benchmark result that was the result of the trial
        pid - pid that the forked JVM had
        stdOut - file containing the standard output from the benchmark JVM
        stdErr - file containing the standard error from the benchmark JVM
        profiler results
      • allowPrintOut

        public boolean allowPrintOut()
        Description copied from interface: ExternalProfiler
        If target VM communicates with profiler with standard output, this method can be used to shun the output to console. Profiler is responsible for consuming the standard output and printing the relevant data from there.
        Specified by:
        allowPrintOut in interface ExternalProfiler
        returns true, if profiler allows harness to print out the standard output
      • allowPrintErr

        public boolean allowPrintErr()
        Description copied from interface: ExternalProfiler
        If target VM communicates with profiler with standard error, this method can be used to shun the output to console. Profiler is responsible for consuming the standard error and printing the relevant data from there.
        Specified by:
        allowPrintErr in interface ExternalProfiler
        returns true, if profiler allows harness to print out the standard errpr
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Profiler
        Human-readable one-line description of the profiler.
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface Profiler