Package javafx.scene.shape

package javafx.scene.shape

Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry.

  • Interface Summary
    ObservableFaceArray is an int[] array that allows listeners to track changes when they occur.
  • Class Summary
    The Arc class represents a 2D arc object, defined by a center point, start angle (in degrees), angular extent (length of the arc in degrees), and an arc type (ArcType.OPEN, ArcType.CHORD, or ArcType.ROUND).
    A path element that forms an arc from the previous coordinates to the specified x and y coordinates using the specified radius.
    The Box class defines a 3 dimensional box with the specified size.
    The Circle class creates a new circle with the specified radius and center location measured in pixels.
    A path element which closes the current path.
    The CubiCurve class defines a cubic Bézier parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
    Creates a curved path element, defined by three new points, by drawing a Cubic Bézier curve that intersects both the current coordinates and the specified coordinates (x,y), using the specified points (controlX1,controlY1) and (controlX2,controlY2) as Bézier control points.
    The Cylinder class defines a 3 dimensional cylinder with the specified size.
    The Ellipse class creates a new ellipse with the specified size and location in pixels
    Creates a horizontal line path element from the current point to x.
    This Line represents a line segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
    Creates a line path element by drawing a straight line from the current coordinate to the new coordinates.
    Base class for representing a 3D geometric surface.
    The MeshView class defines a surface with the specified 3D mesh data.
    Creates an addition to the path by moving to the specified coordinates.
    The Path class represents a simple shape and provides facilities required for basic construction and management of a geometric path.
    The PathElement class represents an abstract element of the Path that can represent any geometric objects like straight lines, arcs, quadratic curves, cubic curves, etc.
    Creates a polygon, defined by an array of x,y coordinates.
    Creates a polyline, defined by the array of the segment points.
    The Quadcurve class defines a quadratic Bézier parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
    Creates a curved path element, defined by two new points, by drawing a Quadratic Bézier curve that intersects both the current coordinates and the specified coordinates (x, y), using the specified point (controlX, controlY) as a Bézier control point.
    The Rectangle class defines a rectangle with the specified size and location.
    The Shape class provides definitions of common properties for objects that represent some form of geometric shape.
    The Shape3D base class provides definitions of common properties for objects that represent some form of 3D geometric shape.
    The Sphere class defines a 3 dimensional sphere with the specified size.
    The SVGPath class represents a simple shape that is constructed by parsing SVG path data from a String.
    Defines a 3D triangle mesh that consists of its associated VertexFormat and a set of separate arrays of vertex components such as points, normals, texture coordinates, and an array of faces that define the individual triangles of the mesh.
    Defines the format of the vertices in a mesh.
    Creates a vertical line path element from the current point to y.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    ArcType specifies the closure type for Arc objects.
    Face culling setting for use with Shape3D.cullFace
    Defines how the polygon is drawn when use with Shape3D.drawMode
    The fill rule for determining the interior of the path.
    Defines the end cap style of a Shape.
    Defines the line join style of a Shape.
    Defines where to draw the stroke around the boundary of a Shape node.