Class CheckMenuItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget

public class CheckMenuItem extends MenuItem

A MenuItem that can be toggled between selected and unselected states. It is intended that CheckMenuItem be used in conjunction with the Menu or ContextMenu controls.

Creating and inserting a CheckMenuItem into a Menu is shown below.

CheckMenuItem subsystem1 = new CheckMenuItem("Enabled");
subsystem1.setOnAction(e -> System.out.println("subsystem1 #1 Enabled!"));

Menu menu = new Menu("Subsystems");
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(menu);
Image of the CheckMenuItem control

Of course, the approach shown above separates out the definition of the CheckMenuItem from the Menu, but this needn't be so.

To ascertain the current state of the CheckMenuItem, you should refer to the selected boolean. An example use case may be the following example:

final checkMenuItem = new CheckMenuItem("Show Widget");
subsystem1.setOnAction(e -> System.out.println("Show the widget!"));
private final BooleanProperty widgetShowing();
public final boolean isWidgetShowing() { return widgetShowing.get(); )
public final void setWidgetShowing(boolean value) {
public final BooleanProperty widgetShowingProperty() {
    if (widgetShowing == null) {
        widgetShowing = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "widgetShowing", true);
    return widgetShowing;


Typically a CheckMenuItem will be rendered such that, when selected, it shows a check (or tick) mark in the area normally reserved for the MenuItem graphic. Of course, this will vary depending on the skin and styling specified.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

    • selected

      public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty
      Represents the current state of this CheckMenuItem. Bind to this to be informed whenever the user interacts with the CheckMenuItem (and causes the selected state to be toggled).
      Default value:
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CheckMenuItem

      public CheckMenuItem()
    • CheckMenuItem

      public CheckMenuItem(String text)
      Constructs a CheckMenuItem and sets the display text with the specified text.
      text - the display text
    • CheckMenuItem

      public CheckMenuItem(String text, Node graphic)
      Constructs a CheckMenuItem and sets the display text with the specified text and sets the graphic Node to the given node.
      text - the display text
      graphic - the graphic Node
  • Method Details

    • setSelected

      public final void setSelected(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the property selected.
      Property description:
      Represents the current state of this CheckMenuItem. Bind to this to be informed whenever the user interacts with the CheckMenuItem (and causes the selected state to be toggled).
      Default value:
    • isSelected

      public final boolean isSelected()
      Gets the value of the property selected.
      Property description:
      Represents the current state of this CheckMenuItem. Bind to this to be informed whenever the user interacts with the CheckMenuItem (and causes the selected state to be toggled).
      Default value:
    • selectedProperty

      public final BooleanProperty selectedProperty()
      Represents the current state of this CheckMenuItem. Bind to this to be informed whenever the user interacts with the CheckMenuItem (and causes the selected state to be toggled).
      Default value:
      See Also: