Module javafx.base

Class DateTimeStringConverter

Direct Known Subclasses:
DateStringConverter, TimeStringConverter

public class DateTimeStringConverter
extends StringConverter<Date>

StringConverter implementation for Date values that represent a date and time.

JavaFX 2.1
See Also:
DateStringConverter, TimeStringConverter
  • Constructor Details

    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter()
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using DateFormat.DEFAULT styles for date and time.
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(int dateStyle, int timeStyle)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using specified DateFormat styles for date and time.
      dateStyle - the given formatting style. For example, DateFormat.SHORT for "M/d/yy" in the US locale.
      timeStyle - the given formatting style. For example, DateFormat.SHORT for "h:mm a" in the US locale.
      JavaFX 8u40
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(Locale locale)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using the specified locale and DateFormat.DEFAULT styles for date and time.
      locale - the given locale.
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(Locale locale, int dateStyle, int timeStyle)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using specified locale and DateFormat styles for date and time.
      locale - the given locale.
      dateStyle - the given formatting style. For example, DateFormat.SHORT for "M/d/yy" in the US locale.
      timeStyle - the given formatting style. For example, DateFormat.SHORT for "h:mm a" in the US locale.
      JavaFX 8u40
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(String pattern)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using the specified pattern.
      pattern - the pattern describing the date and time format.
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(Locale locale, String pattern)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using the specified locale and pattern.
      locale - the given locale.
      pattern - the pattern describing the date and time format.
    • DateTimeStringConverter

      public DateTimeStringConverter​(DateFormat dateFormat)
      Create a StringConverter for Date values, using the specified DateFormat formatter.
      dateFormat - the DateFormat to be used for formatting and parsing.