Class AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObject

        public AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObject​(@Nullable
                                                  String namespaceURI,
                                                  String elementLocalName,
                                                  String namespacePrefix)
        namespaceURI - the namespace the element is in
        elementLocalName - the local name of the XML element this Object represents
        namespacePrefix - the prefix for the given namespace
    • Method Detail

      • getOrderedChildren

        public List<XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()
        Gets an unmodifiable list of child elements in the order that they will appear in the DOM.
        Specified by:
        getOrderedChildren in interface XMLObject
        ordered list of child elements
      • getUnknownXMLObjects

        public List<XMLObject> getUnknownXMLObjects()
        Gets the list of XMLObjects added to this XMLObject as part of the "any" content model.
        Specified by:
        getUnknownXMLObjects in interface ElementExtensibleXMLObject
        list of XMLObjects added to this XMLObject as part of the "any" content model
      • getUnknownXMLObjects

        public List<XMLObject> getUnknownXMLObjects​(@Nonnull
                                                    QName typeOrName)
        Gets the list of XMLObjects added to this XMLObject as part of the "any" content model, and which match the specified QName.
        Specified by:
        getUnknownXMLObjects in interface ElementExtensibleXMLObject
        typeOrName - the QName of the statements to return
        list of XMLObjects added to this XMLObject as part of the "any" content model TODO: think this should be typed List<? extends XMLObject>