Class AbstractAuthenticatableSAMLEntityContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    SAMLPeerEntityContext, SAMLPresenterEntityContext

    public abstract class AbstractAuthenticatableSAMLEntityContext
    extends AbstractSAMLEntityContext
    Abstract base class for subcontexts that carry information about a SAML entity which may be authenticated. This context will often contain subcontexts, whose data is construed to be scoped to that entity.
    • Field Detail

      • authenticated

        private boolean authenticated
        Flag indicating whether the SAML peer entity has been authenticated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAuthenticatableSAMLEntityContext

        public AbstractAuthenticatableSAMLEntityContext()
    • Method Detail

      • isAuthenticated

        public boolean isAuthenticated()
        Gets the flag indicating whether the SAML peer entity has been authenticated.
        Returns the authenticated flag.
      • setAuthenticated

        public void setAuthenticated​(boolean flag)
        Sets the flag indicating whether the SAML peer entity has been authenticated.
        flag - The flag to set.