Class SAMLMessageInfoContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SAMLMessageInfoContext
    extends org.opensaml.messaging.context.BaseContext
    A context intended to be used as a subcontext of a MessageContext that carries some basic information about the SAML message.

    The methods getMessageId() and getMessageIssueInstant() will attempt to dynamically resolve the appropriate data from the SAML message held in the message context if the data has not been set statically by the corresponding setter method. This evaluation will be attempted only if the this context instance is an immediate child of the message context, as returned by BaseContext.getParent().

    • Field Detail

      • messageId

        private String messageId
        The ID of the message.
      • issueInstant

        private Instant issueInstant
        The issue instant of the message.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAMLMessageInfoContext

        public SAMLMessageInfoContext()
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageId

        public String getMessageId()
        Gets the ID of the message.
        ID of the message, may be null
      • setMessageId

        public void setMessageId​(@Nullable
                                 String newMessageId)
        Sets the ID of the message.
        newMessageId - ID of the message
      • getMessageIssueInstant

        public Instant getMessageIssueInstant()
        Gets the issue instant of the message.
        issue instant of the message
      • setMessageIssueInstant

        public void setMessageIssueInstant​(@Nullable
                                           Instant messageIssueInstant)
        Sets the issue instant of the message.
        messageIssueInstant - issue instant of the message
      • resolveMessageId

        protected String resolveMessageId()
        Dynamically resolve the message ID from the SAML protocol message held in MessageContext.getMessage().
        the message ID, or null if it can not be resolved
      • resolveIssueInstant

        protected Instant resolveIssueInstant()
        Dynamically resolve the message issue instant from the SAML protocol message held in MessageContext.getMessage().
        the message issue instant, or null if it can not be resolved
      • resolveSAMLMessage

        protected SAMLObject resolveSAMLMessage()
        Resolve the SAML message from the message context.
        the SAML message, or null if it can not be resolved