Class AbstractRegistrationInfoPredicate

    • Field Detail

      • matchIfMetadataSilent

        private boolean matchIfMetadataSilent
        What to do if no extension data exists.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRegistrationInfoPredicate

        public AbstractRegistrationInfoPredicate()
    • Method Detail

      • setMatchIfMetadataSilent

        public void setMatchIfMetadataSilent​(boolean flag)
        Set whether a predicate should evaluate to true if the data being matched on does not exist.
        flag - flag to set
      • getMatchIfMetadataSilent

        public boolean getMatchIfMetadataSilent()
        Get whether a predicate should evaluate to true if the data being matched on does not exist.
        true iff missing data should evaluate to true
      • getRegistrationInfo

        protected RegistrationInfo getRegistrationInfo​(@Nullable
                                                       EntityDescriptor entity)
        Get the RegistrationInfo extension associated with an entity, if any.
        entity - the entity to examine
        the associated extension, or null
      • doApply

        protected abstract boolean doApply​(@Nonnull
                                           RegistrationInfo info)
        Override this method to implement the predicate.
        info - the information to evaluate
        the result of the predicate