Interface BatchMetadataResolver

  • All Superinterfaces:,, MetadataResolver,<EntityDescriptor,​>

    public interface BatchMetadataResolver
    extends MetadataResolver
    Marker interface for MetadataResolver implementations which resolve metadata from a batch of data loaded and processed in advance of resolution operations, for example by loading an XML document from a file or HTTP resource at component initialization time.
    • Method Detail

      • getRootValidUntil

        Instant getRootValidUntil()
        Get the validUntil of of the metadata batch root element, if present.
        the validUntil date/time of the root element, or null if not available
      • isRootValid

        Boolean isRootValid()
        Get the validity state of the metadata batch root element, as determined in an implementation-specific manner.
        true if root element is valid, false if not valid, null if indeterminate