Interface MetadataIndex

  • public interface MetadataIndex
    A component which defines and supports indexing an EntityDescriptor, and corresponding lookup via a CriteriaSet, using one or more (possibly implementation-specific) instances of MetadataIndexKey.
    • Method Detail

      • generateKeys

        Set<MetadataIndexKey> generateKeys​(@Nonnull
                                           EntityDescriptor descriptor)
        Generate a set of one or more MetadataIndexKey instances based on the input EntityDescriptor.

        These index key instances reflect the type of indexing performed and "understood" by the implementation, and as such should complement the MetadataIndexKey types generated for descriptor lookup via generateKeys(CriteriaSet).

        descriptor - the entity descriptor set to process
        the set of index keys generated from the criteria. May be null or empty, but will not contain null elements.
      • generateKeys

        Set<MetadataIndexKey> generateKeys​(@Nonnull
        Generate a set of one or more MetadataIndexKey instances based on the input CriteriaSet.

        These index key instances reflect the type of indexing performed and "understood" by the implementation, and as such should complement the MetadataIndexKey types generated for descriptor indexing via generateKeys(EntityDescriptor).

        criteriaSet - the criteria set to process
        the set of index keys generated from the criteria. May be null or empty, but will not contain null elements.