Class SAML1ActionSupport

  • public final class SAML1ActionSupport
    extends Object
    Helper methods for SAML 1 profile actions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAML1ActionSupport

        private SAML1ActionSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • buildAssertion

        public static Assertion buildAssertion​(@Nonnull
                                               org.opensaml.profile.action.AbstractProfileAction action,
                                               @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                               String issuer)
        Constructs an Assertion using the parameters supplied, with its issue instant set to the current time.
        action - the current action
        idGenerator - source of assertion ID
        issuer - value for assertion
        the assertion
      • addAssertionToResponse

        public static Assertion addAssertionToResponse​(@Nonnull
                                                       org.opensaml.profile.action.AbstractProfileAction action,
                                                       Response response,
                                                       @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                                       String issuer)
        Constructs and adds a Assertion to the given Response. The Assertion is constructed using the parameters supplied, and its issue instant is set to the issue instant of the given Response.
        action - the current action
        response - the response to which the assertion will be added
        idGenerator - source of assertion ID
        issuer - value for assertion
        the assertion that was added to the response
      • addConditionsToAssertion

        public static Conditions addConditionsToAssertion​(@Nonnull
                                                          org.opensaml.profile.action.AbstractProfileAction action,
                                                          Assertion assertion)
        Creates and adds a Conditions to a given Assertion. If the Assertion already contains an Conditions this method just returns.
        action - current action
        assertion - assertion to which the condition will be added
        the Conditions that already existed on, or the one that was added to, the Assertion
      • getLogger

        private static org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
        Gets the logger for this class.
        logger for this class, never null