Interface SSODescriptor

    • Field Detail


        static final String DEFAULT_ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME
        Element name, no namespace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final QName DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME
        Default element name.
      • TYPE_NAME

        static final QName TYPE_NAME
        QName of the XSI type.
    • Method Detail

      • getArtifactResolutionServices

        List<ArtifactResolutionService> getArtifactResolutionServices()
        Gets a list of artifact resolution services for this service.
        list of artifact resolution services for this service
      • getDefaultArtifactResolutionService

        ArtifactResolutionService getDefaultArtifactResolutionService()
        Gets the default artifact resolution service.

        The selection algorithm used is:

        1. Select the first service with an explicit isDefault=true
        2. Select the first service with no explicit isDefault
        3. Select the first service
        default artifact resolution service (or null if there are no artifact resolution services defined)
      • getSingleLogoutServices

        List<SingleLogoutService> getSingleLogoutServices()
        Gets a list of single logout services for this service.
        list of single logout services for this service
      • getManageNameIDServices

        List<ManageNameIDService> getManageNameIDServices()
        Gets a list of manage NameId services for this service.
        list of manage NameId services for this service
      • getNameIDFormats

        List<NameIDFormat> getNameIDFormats()
        Gets the list of NameID formats this service supports.
        NameID formats this service supports