Class SAML2ObjectSupport

  • public final class SAML2ObjectSupport
    extends Object
    A helper class for working with SAMLObjects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAML2ObjectSupport

        private SAML2ObjectSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • areNameIDFormatsEquivalent

        public static boolean areNameIDFormatsEquivalent​(@Nullable
                                                         String format1,
                                                         String format2)
        Return true iff the two input NameID formats are equivalent for SAML 2.0 purposes.
        format1 - first format to check
        format2 - second format to check
        true iff the two format values should be viewed as equivalent
      • areNameIDsEquivalent

        public static boolean areNameIDsEquivalent​(@Nonnull
                                                   NameID name1,
                                                   NameID name2)
        Return true iff the two input NameID objects are equivalent for SAML 2.0 purposes, with the assumption that the qualifier attributes must match exactly.
        name1 - first NameID to check
        name2 - second NameID to check
        true iff the two values should be viewed as equivalent
      • areNameIDsEquivalent

        public static boolean areNameIDsEquivalent​(@Nonnull
                                                   NameID name1,
                                                   NameID name2,
                                                   String assertingParty,
                                                   String relyingParty)
        Return true iff the two input NameID objects are equivalent for SAML 2.0 purposes, allowing thw qualifier attributes to assume default values if not otherwise set.
        name1 - first NameID to check
        name2 - second NameID to check
        assertingParty - optional name of asserting party to default in as NameQualifier
        relyingParty - optional name of relying party to default in as SPNameQualifier
        true iff the two values should be viewed as equivalent