Class MetadataCredentialResolver

    • Field Detail

      • log

        private final org.slf4j.Logger log
        Class logger.
      • roleDescriptorResolver

        private RoleDescriptorResolver roleDescriptorResolver
        Metadata RoleDescriptor resolver which is the source of credentials.
      • isInitialized

        private boolean isInitialized
        Initialization flag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataCredentialResolver

        public MetadataCredentialResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • getRoleDescriptorResolver

        public RoleDescriptorResolver getRoleDescriptorResolver()
        Get the metadata RoleDescriptor resolver instance used by this resolver.

        This is optional. If not supplied, credentials may only be resolved via input of a RoleDescriptorCriterion.

        the resolver's RoleDescriptor metadata resolver instance
      • setRoleDescriptorResolver

        public void setRoleDescriptorResolver​(@Nullable
                                              RoleDescriptorResolver resolver)
        Set the metadata RoleDescriptor resolver instance used by this resolver.

        This is optional. If not supplied, credentials may only be resolved via input of a RoleDescriptorCriterion.

        resolver - the new RoleDescriptorResolver to use
      • getKeyInfoCredentialResolver

        public KeyInfoCredentialResolver getKeyInfoCredentialResolver()
        Get the KeyInfo credential resolver used by this entityDescriptorResolver resolver to handle KeyInfo elements.
        KeyInfo credential resolver
      • setKeyInfoCredentialResolver

        public void setKeyInfoCredentialResolver​(@Nonnull
                                                 KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver)
        Set the KeyInfo credential resolver used by this entityDescriptorResolver resolver to handle KeyInfo elements.
        resolver - the new KeyInfoCredentialResolver to use
      • getEffectiveUsageInput

        protected UsageType getEffectiveUsageInput​(@Nonnull
                                                   CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
        Get the effective UsageType input to use.
        criteriaSet - the criteria set being processed
        the effective usage value
      • resolveFromRoleDescriptor

        protected Collection<Credential> resolveFromRoleDescriptor​(@Nonnull
                                                                   CriteriaSet criteriaSet,
                                                                   RoleDescriptor roleDescriptor,
                                                                   UsageType usage)
                                                            throws ResolverException
        Resolves credentials using a supplied instance of RoleDescriptor.
        criteriaSet - the criteria set being processed
        roleDescriptor - the role descriptor being processed
        usage - intended usage of resolved credentials
        the resolved credentials or null
        ResolverException - thrown if the key, certificate, or CRL information is represented in an unsupported format
      • resolveFromMetadata

        protected Collection<Credential> resolveFromMetadata​(@Nonnull
                                                             CriteriaSet criteriaSet,
                                                             @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                                             String entityID,
                                                             QName role,
                                                             String protocol,
                                                             UsageType usage)
                                                      throws ResolverException
        Resolves credentials using this resolver's configured instance of RoleDescriptorResolver.
        criteriaSet - the criteria set being processed
        entityID - entityID of the credential owner
        role - role in which the entity is operating
        protocol - protocol over which the entity is operating (may be null)
        usage - intended usage of resolved credentials
        the resolved credentials or null
        ResolverException - thrown if the key, certificate, or CRL information is represented in an unsupported format
      • processRoleDescriptor

        protected void processRoleDescriptor​(@Nonnull
                                             Collection<Credential> accumulator,
                                             RoleDescriptor roleDescriptor,
                                             String entityID,
                                             UsageType usage)
                                      throws ResolverException
        Process a RoleDescriptor by examing each of its KeyDescriptors.
        accumulator - the collection of credentials being accumulated for return to the caller
        roleDescriptor - the KeyDescriptor being processed
        entityID - the entity ID of the KeyDescriptor being processed
        usage - the credential usage type specified as resolve input
        ResolverException - if there is a problem resolving credentials from the KeyDescriptor's KeyInfo element
      • extractCredentials

        protected void extractCredentials​(@Nonnull
                                          Collection<Credential> accumulator,
                                          KeyDescriptor keyDescriptor,
                                          String entityID,
                                          UsageType mdUsage)
                                   throws ResolverException
        Extract the credentials from the specified KeyDescriptor. First the credentials are looking up in object metadata cache. If they are not found there, then they will be resolved from the KeyDescriptor's KeyInfo and then cached in the KeyDescriptor's object metadata before returning.
        accumulator - the collection of credentials being accumulated for return to the caller
        keyDescriptor - the KeyDescriptor being processed
        entityID - the entity ID of the KeyDescriptor being processed
        mdUsage - the effective credential usage type in effect for the resolved credentials
        ResolverException - if there is a problem resolving credentials from the KeyDescriptor's KeyInfo element
      • matchUsage

        protected boolean matchUsage​(@Nonnull
                                     UsageType metadataUsage,
                                     UsageType criteriaUsage)
        Match usage enum type values from entityDescriptorResolver KeyDescriptor and from credential criteria.
        metadataUsage - the value from the 'use' attribute of a entityDescriptorResolver KeyDescriptor element
        criteriaUsage - the value from credential criteria
        true if the two usage specifiers match for purposes of resolving credentials, false otherwise
      • getRoleDescriptors

        protected Iterable<RoleDescriptor> getRoleDescriptors​(@Nonnull
                                                              CriteriaSet criteriaSet,
                                                              String entityID,
                                                              QName role,
                                                              String protocol)
                                                       throws ResolverException
        Get the list of role descriptors which match the given entityID, role and protocol.
        criteriaSet - criteria set being processed
        entityID - entity ID of the credential owner
        role - role in which the entity is operating
        protocol - protocol over which the entity is operating (may be null)
        a list of role descriptors matching the given parameters, or null
        ResolverException - thrown if there is an error retrieving role descriptors from the entityDescriptorResolver provider