Interface PKIXValidationInformationResolver

    • Method Detail

      • resolveTrustedNames

        Set<String> resolveTrustedNames​(@Nullable
                                        CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
                                 throws ResolverException
        Resolve a set of trusted names associated with the entity indicated by the criteria. This method is optional to implement.
        criteriaSet - set of criteria used to determine or resolve the trusted names
        the set of certificate names trusted for an entity
        ResolverException - thrown if there is an error resolving the trusted names
        UnsupportedOperationException - thrown if this optional method is not supported by the implementation
      • supportsTrustedNameResolution

        boolean supportsTrustedNameResolution()
        Check whether resolution of trusted names is supported.
        true if the implementation supports resolution of trusted names, otherwise false