Class BasicEncryptionParametersResolver

    • Field Detail

      • log

        private org.slf4j.Logger log
      • algorithmRegistry

        private AlgorithmRegistry algorithmRegistry
        The AlgorithmRegistry used when processing algorithm URIs.
      • autoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential

        private boolean autoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential
        Flag indicating whether the resolver should auto-generate data encryption credentials.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicEncryptionParametersResolver

        public BasicEncryptionParametersResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • isAutoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential

        public boolean isAutoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential()
        Get whether an this resolver should auto-generate data encryption credentials.
        true if should auto-generate, false otherwise
      • setAutoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential

        public void setAutoGenerateDataEncryptionCredential​(boolean flag)
        Set whether an this resolver should auto-generate data encryption credentials.
        flag - true if should auto-generate, false otherwise
      • logResult

        protected void logResult​(@Nonnull
                                 EncryptionParameters params)
        Log the resolved parameters.
        params - the resolved param
      • validate

        protected boolean validate​(@Nonnull
                                   EncryptionParameters params,
                                   boolean encryptionOptional)
        Validate that the EncryptionParameters instance has all the required properties populated.
        params - the parameters instance to evaluate
        encryptionOptional - whether to consider invalid parameters to be a problem
        true if parameters instance passes validation, false otherwise
      • getWhitelistBlacklistPredicate

        protected Predicate<String> getWhitelistBlacklistPredicate​(@Nonnull
                                                                   CriteriaSet criteria)
        Get a predicate which implements the effective configured whitelist/blacklist policy.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        a whitelist/blacklist predicate instance
      • resolveAndPopulateCredentialsAndAlgorithms

        protected void resolveAndPopulateCredentialsAndAlgorithms​(@Nonnull
                                                                  EncryptionParameters params,
                                                                  CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                                  Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Resolve and populate the data encryption and key transport credentials and algorithm URIs.
        params - the params instance being populated
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate with which to evaluate the candidate data encryption and key transport algorithm URIs
      • resolveAndPopulateRSAOAEPParams

        protected void resolveAndPopulateRSAOAEPParams​(@Nonnull
                                                       EncryptionParameters params,
                                                       CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                       Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Resolve and populate an instance of RSAOAEPParameters, if appropriate for the selected key transport encryption algorithm.
        params - the params instance being populated
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate with which to evaluate the candidate data encryption and key transport algorithm URIs
      • populateRSAOAEPParams

        protected void populateRSAOAEPParams​(@Nonnull
                                             RSAOAEPParameters rsaParams,
                                             CriteriaSet criteria,
                                             Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Populate an instance of RSAOAEPParameters based on data from the supplied instances of EncryptionConfiguration.
        rsaParams - the existing RSAOAEPParameters instance being populated
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate with which to evaluate the candidate data encryption and key transport algorithm URIs
      • resolveKeyTransportAlgorithmPredicate

        protected KeyTransportAlgorithmPredicate resolveKeyTransportAlgorithmPredicate​(@Nonnull
                                                                                       CriteriaSet criteria)
        Resolve the optional effectively configured instance of KeyTransportAlgorithmPredicate to use.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        the resolved predicate instance, may be null
      • resolveKeyTransportAlgorithm

        protected String resolveKeyTransportAlgorithm​(@Nonnull
                                                      Credential keyTransportCredential,
                                                      List<String> keyTransportAlgorithms,
                                                      String dataEncryptionAlgorithm,
                                                      KeyTransportAlgorithmPredicate keyTransportPredicate)
        Determine the key transport encryption algorithm URI to use with the specified key transport credential and optional data encryption algorithm URI.
        keyTransportCredential - the key transport credential being evaluated
        keyTransportAlgorithms - the list of effective key transport algorithms to evaluate
        dataEncryptionAlgorithm - the optional data encryption algorithm URI to consider
        keyTransportPredicate - the optional key transport algorithm predicate to evaluate
        the resolved algorithm URI, may be null
      • resolveKeyTransportAlgorithm

        protected String resolveKeyTransportAlgorithm​(@Nonnull
                                                      Credential keyTransportCredential,
                                                      CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                      Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate,
                                                      String dataEncryptionAlgorithm)
        Determine the key transport algorithm URI to use with the specified credential.
        keyTransportCredential - the key transport credential to evaluate
        criteria - the criteria instance being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate with which to evaluate the candidate data encryption and key transport algorithm URIs
        dataEncryptionAlgorithm - the optional data encryption algorithm URI to consider
        the selected algorithm URI, may be null
      • resolveDataEncryptionAlgorithm

        protected String resolveDataEncryptionAlgorithm​(@Nullable
                                                        Credential dataEncryptionCredential,
                                                        List<String> dataEncryptionAlgorithms)
        Determine the data encryption algorithm URI, considering the optionally specified data encryption credential.
        dataEncryptionCredential - the data encryption credential being evaluated, may be null
        dataEncryptionAlgorithms - the list of effective data encryption algorithms to evaluate
        the resolved algorithm URI, may be null
      • resolveDataEncryptionAlgorithm

        protected String resolveDataEncryptionAlgorithm​(@Nonnull
                                                        Credential dataEncryptionCredential,
                                                        CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                        Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Determine the data encryption algorithm URI to use with the specified data encryption credential.
        dataEncryptionCredential - the data encryption credential to evaluate
        criteria - the criteria instance being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate with which to evaluate the candidate data encryption and key transport algorithm URIs
        the selected algorithm URI
      • getEffectiveDataEncryptionCredentials

        protected List<Credential> getEffectiveDataEncryptionCredentials​(@Nonnull
                                                                         CriteriaSet criteria)
        Get the effective list of data encryption credentials to consider.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        the list of credentials
      • getEffectiveDataEncryptionAlgorithms

        protected List<String> getEffectiveDataEncryptionAlgorithms​(@Nonnull
                                                                    CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                                    Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Get the effective list of data encryption algorithm URIs to consider, including application of whitelist/blacklist policy.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate to use
        the list of effective algorithm URIs
      • getEffectiveKeyTransportCredentials

        protected List<Credential> getEffectiveKeyTransportCredentials​(@Nonnull
                                                                       CriteriaSet criteria)
        Get the effective list of key transport credentials to consider.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        the list of credentials
      • getEffectiveKeyTransportAlgorithms

        protected List<String> getEffectiveKeyTransportAlgorithms​(@Nonnull
                                                                  CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                                  Predicate<String> whitelistBlacklistPredicate)
        Get the effective list of key transport algorithm URIs to consider, including application of whitelist/blacklist policy.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        whitelistBlacklistPredicate - the whitelist/blacklist predicate to use
        the list of effective algorithm URIs
      • resolveDataKeyInfoGenerator

        protected KeyInfoGenerator resolveDataKeyInfoGenerator​(@Nullable
                                                               CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                               Credential dataEncryptionCredential)
        Resolve and return the KeyInfoGenerator instance to use with the specified data encryption credential.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        dataEncryptionCredential - the credential being evaluated
        KeyInfo generator instance, or null
      • resolveKeyTransportKeyInfoGenerator

        protected KeyInfoGenerator resolveKeyTransportKeyInfoGenerator​(@Nonnull
                                                                       CriteriaSet criteria,
                                                                       Credential keyTransportEncryptionCredential)
        Resolve and return the KeyInfoGenerator instance to use with the specified key transport credential.
        criteria - the input criteria being evaluated
        keyTransportEncryptionCredential - the credential being evaluated
        KeyInfo generator instance, or null
      • getAlgorithmRuntimeSupportedPredicate

        protected Predicate<String> getAlgorithmRuntimeSupportedPredicate()
        Get a predicate which evaluates whether a cryptographic algorithm is supported by the runtime environment.
        the predicate
      • credentialSupportsAlgorithm

        protected boolean credentialSupportsAlgorithm​(@Nonnull
                                                      Credential credential,
                                                      @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                                      String algorithm)
        Evaluate whether the specified credential is supported for use with the specified algorithm URI.
        credential - the credential to evaluate
        algorithm - the algorithm URI to evaluate
        true if credential may be used with the supplied algorithm URI, false otherwise
      • isKeyTransportAlgorithm

        protected boolean isKeyTransportAlgorithm​(@Nonnull
                                                  String algorithm)
        Evaluate whether the specified algorithm is a key transport algorithm.
        algorithm - the algorithm URI to evaluate
        true if is a key transport algorithm URI, false otherwise
      • isDataEncryptionAlgorithm

        protected boolean isDataEncryptionAlgorithm​(String algorithm)
        Evaluate whether the specified algorithm is a data encryption algorithm.
        algorithm - the algorithm URI to evaluate
        true if is a key transport algorithm URI, false otherwise
      • generateDataEncryptionCredential

        protected Credential generateDataEncryptionCredential​(@Nonnull
                                                              String dataEncryptionAlgorithm)
        Generate a random data encryption symmetric key credential.
        dataEncryptionAlgorithm - the data encryption algorithm URI
        the generated credential, or null if there was a problem generating a key from the algorithm URI
      • processDataEncryptionCredentialAutoGeneration

        protected void processDataEncryptionCredentialAutoGeneration​(@Nonnull
                                                                     EncryptionParameters params)
        Auto-generate and populate a data encryption credential, if configured and required conditions are met.
        params - the encryption parameters instance to process