Package org.opensaml.saml1.core.impl

Implementations of SAML 1.0 and 1.1 types and elements interfaces.


Class Summary
ActionBuilder Builder of ActionImpl objects.
ActionImpl Concrete implementation of Action
ActionMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Action objects.
ActionUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Action objects.
AdviceBuilder Builder of AdviceImpl objects.
AdviceImpl Concrete Implementation of the Advice Object
AdviceMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Advice objects.
AdviceUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Advice objects.
AssertionArtifactBuilder Builder of AssertionArtifactImpl objects.
AssertionArtifactImpl Concrete implementation if AssertionArtifact
AssertionArtifactMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AssertionArtifact objects.
AssertionArtifactUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AssertionArtifact objects.
AssertionBuilder Builder of AssertionImpl objects.
AssertionIDReferenceBuilder Builder of AssertionIDReferenceImpl objects.
AssertionIDReferenceImpl Concrete Implementation of AssertionIDReference Object
AssertionIDReferenceMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AssertionIDReference objects
AssertionIDReferenceUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AssertionIDReference objects.
AssertionImpl This class implements the SAML 1 Assertion statement.
AssertionMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Assertion objects.
AssertionUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Assertion objects.
AttributeBuilder Builder of AttributeImpl objects.
AttributeDesignatorBuilder Builder of AttributeDesignatorImpl objects.
AttributeDesignatorImpl Concrete Implementation of the AttributeDesignator interface.
AttributeDesignatorMarshaller Marshaller of AttributeDesignator objects.
AttributeDesignatorUnmarshaller Unmarshaller for AttributeDesignator objects.
AttributeImpl A Concrete implementation of the Attribute Interface
AttributeMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Attribute objects.
AttributeQueryBuilder Builder of AttributeQueryImpl objects.
AttributeQueryImpl Concrete implementation of the AttributeQuery interface
AttributeQueryMarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for AttributeQuery objects.
AttributeQueryUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AttributeQuery objects.
AttributeStatementBuilder Builder of AttributeStatementImpl objects.
AttributeStatementImpl A Concrete implementation of the AttributeStatement Interface
AttributeStatementMarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for AttributeStatement objects.
AttributeStatementUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AttributeStatement objects.
AttributeUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AttributeImpl objects.
AudienceBuilder Builder of AudienceImpl objects.
AudienceImpl Concrete class implementation of Audience
AudienceMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Audience objects.
AudienceRestrictionConditionBuilder Builder of AudienceRestrictionConditionImpl objects.
AudienceRestrictionConditionImpl Concrete implementation of the org.opensaml.saml1.core.AudienceRestrictionCondition
AudienceRestrictionConditionMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AudienceRestrictionCondition objects.
AudienceRestrictionConditionUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AudienceRestrictionCondition objects.
AudienceUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Audience objects.
AuthenticationQueryBuilder Builder of AuthenticationQueryImpl objects.
AuthenticationQueryImpl Concrete implementation of the AuthenticationQuery interface
AuthenticationQueryMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AuthenticationQuery objects.
AuthenticationQueryUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthenticationQuery objects.
AuthenticationStatementBuilder Builder of AuthenticationStatementImpl objects.
AuthenticationStatementImpl A Concrete implementation of the AuthenticationStatement Interface
AuthenticationStatementMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AuthenticationStatement objects.
AuthenticationStatementUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthenticationStatement objects.
AuthorityBindingBuilder Builder of AuthorityBindingImpl objects.
AuthorityBindingImpl A concrete impementation of the SubjectLocality interface
AuthorityBindingMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AuthorityBinding objects.
AuthorityBindingUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthorityBinding objects.
AuthorizationDecisionQueryBuilder Builder of AuthorizationDecisionQueryImpl objects.
AuthorizationDecisionQueryImpl Concrete implementation of the AuthorizationDecisionQuery interface
AuthorizationDecisionQueryMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AuthorizationDecisionQuery objects.
AuthorizationDecisionQueryUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthorizationDecisionQuery objects.
AuthorizationDecisionStatementBuilder Builder of AuthorizationDecisionStatementImpl objects.
AuthorizationDecisionStatementImpl A concrete implementation of AuthorizationDecisionStatement
AuthorizationDecisionStatementMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for AuthorizationDecisionStatement objects.
AuthorizationDecisionStatementUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthorizationDecisionStatementImpl objects.
ConditionsBuilder Builder of ConditionsImpl objects.
ConditionsImpl This is a concrete implementation of the Conditions interface.
ConditionsMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Conditions objects.
ConditionsUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Conditions objects.
ConfirmationMethodBuilder Builder of ConfirmationMethodImpl objects.
ConfirmationMethodImpl Concrete Implementation of the ConfirmationMethod interface
ConfirmationMethodMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for ConfirmationMethod objects.
ConfirmationMethodUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for ConfirmationMethod objects.
DoNotCacheConditionBuilder Builder of DoNotCacheConditionImpl objects.
DoNotCacheConditionImpl Concrete Implementation of a DoNotCacheCondition Objects.
DoNotCacheConditionMarshaller Thread safe Marshaller for DoNotCacheCondition objects.
DoNotCacheConditionUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DoNotCacheCondition objects.
EvidenceBuilder Builder of EvidenceImpl objects.
EvidenceImpl Concrete implementation of the Evidence interface.
EvidenceMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Evidence objects.
EvidenceUnmarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for Evidence objects.
NameIdentifierBuilder Builder ofNameIdentifierImpl objects.
NameIdentifierImpl Complete implementation of NameIdentifierImpl
NameIdentifierMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for NameIdentifier objects.
NameIdentifierUnmarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for NameIdentifier objects.
RequestAbstractTypeImpl Implementation of RequestAbstractType.
RequestAbstractTypeMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for RequestAbstractType objects.
RequestAbstractTypeUnmarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for RequestAbstractType objects.
RequestBuilder Builder of RequestImpl objects.
RequestImpl Concrete implementation of Request
RequestMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Request objects.
RequestUnmarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for Request objects.
RespondWithBuilder Builder of RespondWithImpl objects.
RespondWithImpl Implementation of RespondWith.
ResponseAbstractTypeImpl Abstract implementation of ResponseAbstractType Object
ResponseAbstractTypeMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for ResponseAbstractType objects.
ResponseAbstractTypeUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for ResponseAbstractType objects.
ResponseBuilder Builder of ResponseImpl objects.
ResponseImpl Implementation of the Response Object
ResponseMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Response objects.
ResponseUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Response objects.
StatusBuilder Builder of StatusImpl objects.
StatusCodeBuilder Builder of StatusCodeImpl objects.
StatusCodeImpl Concrete implementation of StatusCode Object.
StatusCodeMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for StatusCode objects.
StatusCodeUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for StatusCode objects.
StatusDetailBuilder Builder of StatusDetailImpl
StatusDetailImpl Concrete implementation of StatusDetail
StatusDetailMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for StatusDetail objects.
StatusDetailUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for StatusDetail objects.
StatusImpl Concrete Implementation Status
StatusMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Status objects.
StatusMessageBuilder Builder of StatusMessageImpl objects.
StatusMessageImpl Concrete implementation of org.opensaml.saml1.core StatusMessage object
StatusMessageMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for StatusMessage objects.
StatusMessageUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for StatusMessage objects.
StatusUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Status objects.
SubjectBuilder Builder of (@link org.opensaml.saml1.core.impl.SubjectImpl} objects.
SubjectConfirmationBuilder Builder of SubjectConfirmationImpl objects.
SubjectConfirmationImpl Concrete implementation of a SubjectConfirmation object
SubjectConfirmationMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for SubjectConfirmation objects.
SubjectConfirmationUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for SubjectConfirmation objects.
SubjectImpl Complete implementation of Subject
SubjectLocalityBuilder Builder of SubjectLocalityImpl objects.
SubjectLocalityImpl A concrete impementation of the SubjectLocality interface
SubjectLocalityMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for SubjectLocality objects.
SubjectLocalityUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for SubjectLocality objects.
SubjectMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for Subject objects.
SubjectQueryImpl Concrete (but abstract) implementation of SubjectQuery abstract type
SubjectQueryMarshaller A thread safe Marshaller for SubjectQuery objects.
SubjectQueryUnmarshaller A thread safe Unmarshaller for SubjectQuery objects.
SubjectStatementImpl Abstract type to implement SubjectStatementType
SubjectStatementMarshaller Marshaller for SubjectStatement XMLObjects.
SubjectStatementUnmarshaller Unamershaller for SubjectStatements.
SubjectUnmarshaller A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Subject objects.

Package org.opensaml.saml1.core.impl Description

Implementations of SAML 1.0 and 1.1 types and elements interfaces.

Information on using this library can be found in the User's Manual and information on extending its functionality can be found in the Developer's Manual.

See Also:
OpenSAML Wiki

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