Class Atropisomeric

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ICDKObject, IStereoElement<IBond,IAtom>

public class Atropisomeric extends Object
Restricted axial rotation around Aryl-Aryl bonds. The atropisomer is stored in a similar manner to ExtendedTetrahedral (and TetrahedralChirality) except instead of storing the central atom we store the sigma bond around which the rotation is restricted and the four carriers are connect to either end atom of the 'focus' bond.
      a     b'
     /       \
    Ar --f-- Ar
     \      /
      a'   b
 f: focus
 Ar: Aryl (carriers connected to either end of 'f')
 a,a',b,b': ortho substituted on the Aryl

Typical examples include BiNOL, and BiNAP.
See Also: