Class IOSetting

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class IOSetting
    extends Object
    implements ISetting
    An interface for reader settings. It is subclassed by implementations, one for each type of field, e.g. IntReaderSetting.
    Egon Willighagen <[email protected]>
    Source code:
    Belongs to CDK module:
    • Constructor Detail

      • IOSetting

        public IOSetting​(String name,
                         IOSetting.Importance level,
                         String question,
                         String defaultSetting)
        The default constructor that sets this field. All textual information is supposed to be English. Localization is taken care off by the ReaderConfigurator.
        name - Name of the setting
        level - Level at which question is asked
        question - Question that is popped to the user when the ReaderSetting needs setting
        defaultSetting - The default setting, used if not overwritten by a user
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: ISetting
        Access the name of the setting.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface ISetting
        the name of the setting
      • getQuestion

        public String getQuestion()
      • getDefaultSetting

        public String getDefaultSetting()
      • setSetting

        public void setSetting​(String setting)
                        throws CDKException
        Sets the setting for a certain question. It will throw a CDKException when the setting is not valid.
      • getSetting

        public String getSetting()
        Sets the setting for a certain question. It will throw a CDKException when the setting is not valid.