Class Cidrs


public final class Cidrs
extends java.lang.Object
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static long[] cidrMaskToMinMax​(java.lang.String cidr)
    Parses an IPv4 address block in CIDR notation into a pair of longs representing the bottom and top of the address block
    static java.lang.String createCIDR​(long ipAddress, int networkMask)  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • cidrMaskToMinMax

      public static long[] cidrMaskToMinMax​(java.lang.String cidr)
      Parses an IPv4 address block in CIDR notation into a pair of longs representing the bottom and top of the address block
      cidr - an address block in CIDR notation a.b.c.d/n
      array representing the address block
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the cidr can not be parsed
    • createCIDR

      public static java.lang.String createCIDR​(long ipAddress, int networkMask)