Class FilterBlobContainer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class FilterBlobContainer
extends java.lang.Object
implements BlobContainer
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    FilterBlobContainer​(BlobContainer delegate)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean blobExists​(java.lang.String blobName)
    Tests whether a blob with the given blob name exists in the container.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobContainer> children()
    Lists all child containers under this container.
    DeleteResult delete()
    Deletes this container and all its contents from the repository.
    void deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> blobNames)
    Deletes the blobs with given names.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobMetadata> listBlobs()
    Lists all blobs in the container.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobMetadata> listBlobsByPrefix​(java.lang.String blobNamePrefix)
    Lists all blobs in the container that match the specified prefix.
    BlobPath path()
    Gets the BlobPath that defines the implementation specific paths to where the blobs are contained. readBlob​(java.lang.String blobName)
    Creates a new InputStream for the given blob name. readBlob​(java.lang.String blobName, long position, long length)
    Creates a new InputStream that can be used to read the given blob starting from a specific position in the blob.
    long readBlobPreferredLength()
    Provides a hint to clients for a suitable length to use with BlobContainer.readBlob(String, long, long).
    protected abstract BlobContainer wrapChild​(BlobContainer child)  
    void writeBlob​(java.lang.String blobName, inputStream, long blobSize, boolean failIfAlreadyExists)
    Reads blob content from the input stream and writes it to the container in a new blob with the given name.
    void writeBlobAtomic​(java.lang.String blobName, inputStream, long blobSize, boolean failIfAlreadyExists)
    Reads blob content from the input stream and writes it to the container in a new blob with the given name, using an atomic write operation if the implementation supports it.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • wrapChild

      protected abstract BlobContainer wrapChild​(BlobContainer child)
    • path

      public BlobPath path()
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Gets the BlobPath that defines the implementation specific paths to where the blobs are contained.
      Specified by:
      path in interface BlobContainer
      the BlobPath where the blobs are contained
    • blobExists

      public boolean blobExists​(java.lang.String blobName) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Tests whether a blob with the given blob name exists in the container.
      Specified by:
      blobExists in interface BlobContainer
      blobName - The name of the blob whose existence is to be determined.
      true if a blob exists in the BlobContainer with the given name, and false otherwise.
    • readBlob

      public readBlob​(java.lang.String blobName) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Creates a new InputStream for the given blob name.
      Specified by:
      readBlob in interface BlobContainer
      blobName - The name of the blob to get an InputStream for.
      The InputStream to read the blob.
      java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException - if the blob does not exist - if the blob can not be read.
    • readBlob

      public readBlob​(java.lang.String blobName, long position, long length) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Creates a new InputStream that can be used to read the given blob starting from a specific position in the blob. The length is an indication of the number of bytes that are expected to be read from the InputStream.
      Specified by:
      readBlob in interface BlobContainer
      blobName - The name of the blob to get an InputStream for.
      position - The position in the blob where the next byte will be read.
      length - An indication of the number of bytes to be read.
      The InputStream to read the blob.
      java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException - if the blob does not exist - if the blob can not be read.
    • readBlobPreferredLength

      public long readBlobPreferredLength()
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Provides a hint to clients for a suitable length to use with BlobContainer.readBlob(String, long, long). Some blob containers have nontrivial costs attached to each readBlob call, so it is a good idea for consumers to speculatively request more data than they need right now and to re-use this stream for future needs if possible. Also, some blob containers return streams that are expensive to close before the stream has been fully consumed, and the cost may depend on the length of the data that was left unconsumed. For these containers it's best to bound the cost of a partial read by bounding the length of the data requested.
      Specified by:
      readBlobPreferredLength in interface BlobContainer
      a hint to consumers regarding the length of data to request if there is a good chance that future reads can be satisfied from the same stream.
    • writeBlob

      public void writeBlob​(java.lang.String blobName, inputStream, long blobSize, boolean failIfAlreadyExists) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Reads blob content from the input stream and writes it to the container in a new blob with the given name. This method assumes the container does not already contain a blob of the same blobName. If a blob by the same name already exists, the operation will fail and an IOException will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      writeBlob in interface BlobContainer
      blobName - The name of the blob to write the contents of the input stream to.
      inputStream - The input stream from which to retrieve the bytes to write to the blob.
      blobSize - The size of the blob to be written, in bytes. It is implementation dependent whether this value is used in writing the blob to the repository.
      failIfAlreadyExists - whether to throw a FileAlreadyExistsException if the given blob already exists
      java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException - if failIfAlreadyExists is true and a blob by the same name already exists - if the input stream could not be read, or the target blob could not be written to.
    • writeBlobAtomic

      public void writeBlobAtomic​(java.lang.String blobName, inputStream, long blobSize, boolean failIfAlreadyExists) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Reads blob content from the input stream and writes it to the container in a new blob with the given name, using an atomic write operation if the implementation supports it. This method assumes the container does not already contain a blob of the same blobName. If a blob by the same name already exists, the operation will fail and an IOException will be thrown.
      Specified by:
      writeBlobAtomic in interface BlobContainer
      blobName - The name of the blob to write the contents of the input stream to.
      inputStream - The input stream from which to retrieve the bytes to write to the blob.
      blobSize - The size of the blob to be written, in bytes. It is implementation dependent whether this value is used in writing the blob to the repository.
      failIfAlreadyExists - whether to throw a FileAlreadyExistsException if the given blob already exists
      java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException - if failIfAlreadyExists is true and a blob by the same name already exists - if the input stream could not be read, or the target blob could not be written to.
    • delete

      public DeleteResult delete() throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Deletes this container and all its contents from the repository.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface BlobContainer
      delete result
      Throws: - on failure
    • deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists

      public void deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> blobNames) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Deletes the blobs with given names. This method will not throw an exception when one or multiple of the given blobs don't exist and simply ignore this case.
      Specified by:
      deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists in interface BlobContainer
      blobNames - The names of the blob to delete.
      Throws: - if a subset of blob exists but could not be deleted.
    • listBlobs

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobMetadata> listBlobs() throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Lists all blobs in the container.
      Specified by:
      listBlobs in interface BlobContainer
      A map of all the blobs in the container. The keys in the map are the names of the blobs and the values are BlobMetadata, containing basic information about each blob.
      Throws: - if there were any failures in reading from the blob container.
    • children

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobContainer> children() throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Lists all child containers under this container. A child container is defined as a container whose BlobContainer.path() method returns a path that has this containers BlobContainer.path() return as its prefix and has one more path element than the current container's path.
      Specified by:
      children in interface BlobContainer
      Map of name of the child container to child container
      Throws: - on failure to list child containers
    • listBlobsByPrefix

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​BlobMetadata> listBlobsByPrefix​(java.lang.String blobNamePrefix) throws
      Description copied from interface: BlobContainer
      Lists all blobs in the container that match the specified prefix.
      Specified by:
      listBlobsByPrefix in interface BlobContainer
      blobNamePrefix - The prefix to match against blob names in the container.
      A map of the matching blobs in the container. The keys in the map are the names of the blobs and the values are BlobMetadata, containing basic information about each blob.
      Throws: - if there were any failures in reading from the blob container.