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ABBREV_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
AbstractFlexPat - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
FlexPat Extractor -- given a set of pattern families, extract, filter and normalize matches.
AbstractFlexPat() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
AbstractFlexPat(boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
AbstractFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality.
AbstractFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
AbstractGenericFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality without prescribing schema
AbstractGenericFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
accept(File, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.AnyFilenameFilter
FilenameFilter implementation for XML files
add(Collection<Annotation>) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
add a list of entity annotations.
add(Annotation) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
add a single Annotation.
add(Record) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
Add new record.
add_trace(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
addAdditionalAttributes(Feature, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
If the caller has additional data to attach to records, allow them to add fields to schema at runtime and map their data to keys on GeocodingResult Similarly, you could have Geocoding row-level attributes unique to the geocoding whereas attrs on GeocodingResult are global for all geocodings in that result set.
addAlias(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Country is also known as some list of aliases
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
Add some piece of amplifying metadata about the record which may be carried through to output format in some way
addBytes(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
addCollectionTag(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
"tags" are meant to be used at a data set or collection level.
addCollectionTags(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
Parses the given "a;b;c;..." format of tags into a Set.
addCollectionTags(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
addColumn(Map<String, String>, String, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
addColumn(Map<String, String>, String, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
addColumn(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
Add a column of data to output; Field is validated ; value is not added if null
addColumn(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
Add a column of data to output; Field is validated ; value is not added if null
addColumn(Feature, SimpleField, double) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Add a column of data to output; Field is validated.
addColumn(Feature, SimpleField, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Add a column of data to output; Field is validated.
addColumn(Feature, SimpleField, Object) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Add a column of data to output; Field is validated ; value is not added if null.
addConfidence(Feature, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the confidence.
addContext(Feature, TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the context.
addDateField(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Cache an arbitrary date field in schema
addExtractor(Extractor) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
addField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Adds the field.
addField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
addField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
addField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Add a field key to the field order; Caller must also be responsible for ensuring field is valid and exists in Schema.
addField(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
addFilePaths(Feature, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the file paths.
addFormatter(ResultsFormatter) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
addLang(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
addLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
When adding languages, please add the primary language FIRST.
addLanguage(Language) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
addLanguage(Language, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Extend the basic language dictionary.
addLatLon(Feature, Geocoding) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the lat lon.
addMatchMethod(Feature, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Allows caller to add a method or pattern id of sorts to denote how match was derived.
addMatchMethod(Feature, TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the match method.
addMatchText(Feature, TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the match text.
addMention(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
If adding mentions one at a time, then only mention IDS map is used.
addNearByPlace(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Adds the near by place.
addOffset(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
addOffsetAttribute() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
add annot.offset = x or annot.attrs.offsets = "x1;x2;x3"...
addOffsets(Feature, TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the offsets.
addOffsetTo(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Add offset information (offset, len, offsets, etc ) into the representation of this annotation.
addOtherInterpretation(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The current instance is the main match.
addOutputFormat(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Processing will support multiple output formats
addPlaceData(Feature, Geocoding) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the place data.
addPrecision(Feature, Geocoding) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Adds the precision.
addRegion(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Country is also known as some list of aliases
addState(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
addState(String, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
addStates(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
addStates(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
addTag(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
add any tag you like.
addTag(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
addTags(List<String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
addTerm(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
addTerms(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
addTerritory(Country) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
addTextField(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Cache an arbitrary text field in schema
addTime(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
Add just a time delta.
addTime(long, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
Add just a time delta.
addTimeSince(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
Add time delta using NOW - time.
addTimezone(String, double) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Add a timezone and its offset.
addTimezone(Country.TZ) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Refactor -- use JodaTime and the TZDB more formally.
addURL(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
admin1 - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
For normalization purposes tracking the Province may be helpful.
admin1Name - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
admin2 - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
admin2Name - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
adminName - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
ALL_PATTERNS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
ALL_PATTERNS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
allowNonGeo - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
alternativeCJKLangID(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
detecting if script of text is Japanese, Korean or Chinese.
alternativeLangID(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Look at raw bytes/characters to see which Unicode block they fall into.
Annotation - Class in org.opensextant.annotations
An annotation is at least a typed name/value pair created by something.
Annotation() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Annotation(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Annotation(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Annotation(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
AnnotationHelper - Class in org.opensextant.annotations
Basis for this optional helper class was three or four different projects using DeepEye as a model for persisting annotations from the typical Named Entity and Geo/Time extraction work.
AnnotationHelper() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
AnyFilenameFilter - Class in org.opensextant.util
AnyFilenameFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.AnyFilenameFilter
APP_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
applyGenericRules() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
approximateLongitudeForUTCOffset(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
This helps get the general area +/-5 degrees for a given UTC offset.
arabicLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
asMap(JsonArray) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
Convert an array to a trivial map, [i1, i2, i3,...] ==> { i1:"1", i2:"1", ...} UNUSED.
asPlace() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Create a Place version of this coordinate -- that is, once we've found the coordinate match if the match data is no longer needed we can produce a geodetic Place from the TextMatch.
ATTR_AUTH_LANG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_AUTH_NAME - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_DATE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_DESC - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_EPOCH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_GENDER - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_ID - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_KLOUT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_LANG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_MENTIONS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_RETWEET - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_RETWEET_ID - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_SCREEN_NAME - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_TAGS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_TEXT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_TZ - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_URLS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_USES_GPS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
ATTR_UTC_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
attributes - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
attrs - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
AUD_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
authorCC - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
raw country code
authorDesc - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
authorGender - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
M=male, F=female, T=transitional, transgender? Other? Gender is a string, could be an enum, but its no longer two values, I bet.
authorGeo - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Author's profile location -- If country and actual location is set, use Geocoding object, or opensextant.Place to capture the full metadata.
authorID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Author ID is screen_name, user_id, user.name, etc.
authorLatLonText - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
raw XY val, if present on author profile.
authorLocation - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
raw location string
authorName - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
A plain language Name, display name, native language name for the author
authorProfileID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
the numeric ID for a user/author profile.


b2hex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
bahasaLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
buffer - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
buildRow(Map<String, String>, TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
Pull in data from match into the output schema (map)
buildRows(int, Geocoding, TextMatch, Map<String, Object>, ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Builds a GISCore feature array (rows) from a given array of TextMatches; Enrich the features with record-level attributes (columns).
buildSchema() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
Create a schema instance with the fields properly typed and ordered
buildSchema() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
Create a schema instance with the fields properly typed and ordered
buildSchema(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Create a schema instance with the fields properly typed and ordered.


cacheAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Cache entity annotations, accumulating unique offsets for a name/value pair.
cacheAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Cache annotation.
cacheAnnotation(Annotation, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Cache entity annotation - in Memory; Note, the actual ID or key in database is usually composed of name+value+contrib.
cacheAnnotation(Annotation, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Cache an annotation.
cacheTaxonAnnotation(String, Taxon, String, int, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Cache taxon entity annotation.
cal - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The cal.
canAdd(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
canAdd(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
canAdd(SimpleField) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Can add.
CASE_LOWER - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
CASE_UPPER - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
catalog - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Catalog, for example "fruit"
CC_FIPS - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country
FIPS 10-4 2-character country code
CC_ISO2 - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country
ISO 2-character country code
CC_ISO3 - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country
ISO 3-character country code
cce_family - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPattern
Only as defined in your configured patterns, e.g., "DM", "DMS"; However this set of values should align with XConstants enumerations.
cce_family_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The cce family id.
cce_family_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPattern
XConstants value for the family
CCE_family_state - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
cce_variant - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The cce variant.
cce_variant - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPattern
Only as defined in your configured patterns, e.g., the "01" in "DM-01"
checkCase(String, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
detects if string alpha chars are purely lower case.
checkOverwrite(File) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
uniform helper for overwrite check.
checkOverwrite(File) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
uniform helper for overwrite check.
chineseLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
chineseTradLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
clean_input - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
cleanup() - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Resource management.
cleanup() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
Extractor interface: extractors are responsible for cleaning up after themselves.
cleanup() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Extractor interface: extractors are responsible for cleaning up after themselves.
cleanup() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Extractor interface: extractors are responsible for cleaning up after themselves.
cleanupAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
Use only if you intend to shutdown.
close() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
close() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
close() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
CLOSE_CHARS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
closeOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Close output streams.
closeOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
code - Variable in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
CODE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
COMMENT_CHAR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Char used in config files, dict files.
compareTo(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
With multiple data sources there is no standard way of saying this place == that place.
compareTo(LangID) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
compress(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Compress bytes from a Unicode string.
compress(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
CONFIDENCE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
confidence 0.000 to 1.000 suggests our confidence that we code the MATCH TEXT to the right LAT/LON this is a string for now to keep the actual sig-figs accurate.
ConfigException - Exception in org.opensextant
Generic OpenSextant Configuration Exception
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.ConfigException
ConfigException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.ConfigException
configure() - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Configure an Extractor using defaults for that extractor.
configure() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
Configures whatever default patterns file is named.
configure(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
configure(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Configure an Extractor using a config file named by a path.
configure(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
Configure using a particular pattern file.
configure(URL) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Configure an Extractor using a config file named by a URL.
configure(URL) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
Configure using a URL pointer to the pattern file.
connect() - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
contains(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Assess if an offset is within this span
containsDSTOffset(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
containsTimezone(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
containsUTCOffset(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Test if this Country contains the UTC offset.
content - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
A text window around the MATCH TEXT delineated by START/END offsets.
CONTEXT_FILTERS_ON - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: filter out coordinate matches that appear embedded in other text, e.g., ABC45.44,77.1W
contrib - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
COORD_FLD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
coord_text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Just the coordinate text normalized.
COORDINATE_SYMBOLS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
copy(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
copy(TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
copyMetadata(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Copy metadata.
copyTo(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Copy the basic gazetteer metadata to
count_DD_digits(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Count the number of decimal places in a lat or lon text string.
count_digits(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Counts all digits in text.
count_DMS_digits(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Counts all digits in latitude.
count_ws(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Counts all whitespace in text.
countASCIIChars(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
count the number of ASCII bytes
countCJKChars(char[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Counts the CJK characters in buffer, buf chars Inspiration: http://stackoverflow .com/questions/1499804/how-can-i-detect-japanese-text-in-a-java-string Assumption is that the char array is Unicode characters.
countDigits(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
countFormattingSpace(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Count formatting whitespace.
countNonText(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Count number of non-alphanumeric chars are present.
countriesInDSTOffset(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
This check only makes sense if you have date/time which is in a period of daylight savings.
countriesInTimezone(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
List all countries in a particular TZ
countriesInUTCOffset(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
List all countries in a particular UTC offset; These are usually -15.0 to 15.0 every 0.5 or 0.25 hrs.
countriesSpeaking(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Examples: what countries speak french (fr)? what countries speak Rwandan French? (fr-RW)?
country - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Country - Class in org.opensextant.data
Country metadata provided on this class includes: ISO-3166 country code 2-char and 3-char forms, aligned with US standard FIPS 10-4 codes Country aliases: nick names, variant names, abbreviations Affiliated territories Timezone and UTC offset for temporal calculations Primary and Secondary languages
Country(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Country
A country abstraction that uses ISO 2-alpha as an ID, and any name given as the Place.name
COUNTRY_ADM0 - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
COUNTRY_ADM0_NORM - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
country_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Country.TZ - Class in org.opensextant.data
countrySpeaks(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Is language spoken in country ID'd by cc? See TextUtils for list of langauges provided by Library of Congress.
CR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
create_match(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
logic for creation of a match is back in main PoLi match loop
create_pattern(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Implementation must create a RegexPattern given the basic RULE define, #RULE FAMILY RID REGEX PatternManager here adds compiled pattern and DEFINES.
create_pattern(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
Pattern Factory Implementation must create a RegexPattern given the basic RULE define, #RULE FAMILY RID REGEX PatternManager here adds compiled pattern and DEFINES.
create_pattern(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
Implementation must create a RegexPattern given the basic RULE define, #RULE FAMILY RID REGEX PatternManager here adds compiled pattern and DEFINES.
create_pattern(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
create_testcase(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Implementation must create TestCases given the #TEST directive, #TEST RID TID TEXT
create_testcase(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
Implementation must create TestCases given the #TEST directive, #TEST RID TID TEXT
create_testcase(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
Implementation must create TestCases given the #TEST directive, #TEST RID TID TEXT
create_testcase(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
createAnnotation(String, String, String, int, int, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
createAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Creates a standard named entity annotation.
createCountry(Annotation) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Returns an instance of a Country object using annotation value as country name, and attr[cc] optionally as code.
createCountryAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Tracking a country name match of some sort.
createGeocoding(Annotation) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Decode: Geocoding See OpenSextant Geocoding interface.
createGeocodingAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String, Geocoding) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Encode geocoding annotations to be saved.
createOutputFileName() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
createOutputFileName() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Creates the output file name.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GDBFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GeoCSVFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.KMLFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.ShapefileFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createOutputStreams() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.WKTFormatter
Create the output stream appropriate for the output type.
createPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
Create a pattern manager given the input stream and the file name.
createPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
createPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
createPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
createTaxon(Annotation) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Recreates a Taxon from a stored annotation.
createTaxonAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String, Taxon) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Create an annotation for a Taxon node that has a found value, val, in document, docid at offset.
createTempFolder(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
createTemporalAnnotation(String, String, String, int, int, String, Date, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Same createTemporalEntityAnnotation, just with len param.
createTemporalEntityAnnotation(String, String, String, int, String, Date, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Creates the temporal entity annotation.
CSVFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
CSVFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
CSVGenericFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
Alternative to CSVFormatter which is schema-specific and a bit rigid.
CSVGenericFormatter(Parameters) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
currency - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
CURRENT_YEAR - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The current year.
CURRENT_YY - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The current yy.
currErrors - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
API: child implementations have access to accumulated errors; reset() clears errors and other state.


dashCount - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
count dashes other than hemispheres, +/-.
DATA_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
date - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Date object for the message timestamp
date - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.TestCase
DateMatch - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
DateMatch(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
DateMatch.TimeResolution - Enum in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
A simplistic way to capture resolution of the date/time reference.
datenorm - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
Just the coordinate text normalized
datenorm_text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
DateNormalization - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
DateNormalization() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
dateText - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Original text of the date, if given
DATETIME_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
DateTimePattern - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
DateTimePattern(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateTimePattern
DAY - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
DD_FILTERS_ON - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: filter Decimal Degree coordinates -- primarily for bare floating point numbers w/out hemisphere or other symbols
DD_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
DD_precision_list - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Maximal error in METERS in coordinate with N decimal places; for up to 12 decimal places.
debug - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
debug - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
debug - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
debug - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
decodeAnnotations(List<Annotation>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Given encoded annotations from db, decode them and yield a flattened set of annotations, e.g., for use with MAT
decodeOffsets(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Take a list of numbers and convert to Integer list "1;5;89;777" => List<> [ 1, 5, 89, 777 ].
decodeOffsets(Annotation, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Generate annotations in a linear fashion.
DeepEyeData - Class in org.opensextant.annotations
A base class for Record, Annotation and other structures.
DeepEyeData() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
DeepEyeException - Exception in org.opensextant.annotations
Exception used when there is a user or system error related to data serialization or any sort of Java object - to JSONification error.
DeepEyeException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeException
DeepEyeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeException
DeepEyeException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeException
DeepEyeStore - Interface in org.opensextant.annotations
DeepEyeStore is an abstraction of a data store that stores records and annotations.
default_encoding - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
DEFAULT_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
DEFAULT_GEOHASH_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
DEFAULT_POLI_CFG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
DEFAULT_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
DEFAULT_WORKING_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
If working size, in CHARS, is less than 180 (20 8 char words + 1 whitespace word break);
DEFAULT_XCOORD_CFG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
DEFAULT_XTEMP_CFG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
defaultFields() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Default fields for generic CSV output.
defaultFields() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
Default fields for generic CSV output.
defaultFields() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Default fields.
defaultHierarchicalPath() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
This sets the default to non-null value.
defaultMatchId() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
If called, this overwrites existing match_id Match ID is typically entity label @ offset.
DEG - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
degLatFields - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
degLonFields - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
DEL - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
delete_controls(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Delete control chars from text data; leaving text and whitespace only.
delete_eol(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Replace line endings with SPACE
delete_whitespace(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Delete whitespace of any sort.
deleteOutput(File) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
This is checked only by internal classes as they create output streams.
deleteOutput(File) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
This is checked only by internal classes as they create output streams.
description - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
detect(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
API for LangDetect, cybozu.labs
detect(String, boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
API for LangDetect, cybozu.labs.
detectSocialMediaLang(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Find best lang ID for short texts.
detectSocialMediaLang(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
df - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
DateFormat used to check for dates that look like MGRS i.e.
digest_latitude_match() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
This should cascade.
digest_longitude_match() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
This is a copy of the logic for digest_latitude_match; All I replace is "Lat" with "Lon"
digits - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPrecision
# of decimal places in D.ddd...
disable_patterns(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
Enable a family of patterns
disableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
disableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Enable a family of patterns
disableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
disconnect() - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
distanceDegrees(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
This returns distance in degrees, e.g., this is a Cartesian distance.
distanceDegrees(GeoBase, GeoBase) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
This returns distance in degrees, e.g., this is a Cartesian distance.
distanceMeters(LatLon, LatLon) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
Haversine distance using LL1 to LL2;
DM_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
DMS_FILTERS_ON - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: filter DMS coordinates
DMS_MIN_PREC - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
DMS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
DMS_SEC_PREC - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
DMSFilter - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
DMS Filters include ignoring these patterns: dd-dd-dd HH:MM:ss (where dd-dd-dd HH-MM-ss would be a valid coordinate as the field separators for lat/lon are the same).
DMSFilter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSFilter
DMSOrdinate - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
DMSOrdinate represents all the various fields a WGS84 cartesian coordinate could have.
DMSOrdinate(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
For XCoord purposes use the DMSOrdinate(map, map, boolean, text) form.
DMSOrdinate(int, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
For XCoord purposes use the DMSOrdinate(map, map, boolean, text) form.
DMSOrdinate(String, String, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
For XCoord purposes use the DMSOrdinate(map, map, boolean, text) form.
DMSOrdinate(Map<String, TextEntity>, Map<String, String>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
DMS ordinates can be made up of degrees, minutes, seconds and then decimal minutes and decimal seconds fractional minutes dddd are formatted as ".dddd" then parsed; ADD to existing minutes fractional seconds dddd are formatted as ".dddd" then parsed; ADD to existing seconds decimal minutes d.ddd..
DMSOrdinate.Resolution - Enum in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
Resolution field for DMS.ms
DMY_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
DOC_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
doc_type - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
DocInput - Class in org.opensextant.data
Use only for cases where you have document inputs instead of raw records.
DocInput(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.DocInput
dstDelta - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
dstOffset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ


EARTH_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
EAST - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
EmailAddress - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data
EmailAddress() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.EmailAddress
EmailAddress(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.EmailAddress
EmailAddress(Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.EmailAddress
enable_CCE_family(int, boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
enable_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
enable an instance of a pattern based on the global settings.
enable_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
enable an instance of a pattern based on the global settings.
enable_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
enable an instance of a pattern based on the global settings.
enable_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
enable an instance of a pattern based on the global settings.
enable_pattern_family(int, boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
enable_patterns(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
default adapter -- you must override.
enable_patterns(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
enableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
enableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
enableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
You don't really want to enable All patterns...
enableAll() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
enabled - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
encodeOffsets(Collection<Integer>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Encode offsets.
end - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
char offset of entity; location in document where entity ends.
END_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
englishLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
entitiesKey - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
evaluated - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
evaluateInvalidDashes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Evaluate DMS patterns only...
evaluateSpecificity(DMSOrdinate, DMSOrdinate) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordNormalization
Hueuristic for what style of fields are allowed in valid DD or DM/DMS coordinates.
extract(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Useful for working with text buffers adhoc.
extract(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
extract(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Support the standard Extractor interface.
extract(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Support the standard Extractor interface.
extract(TextInput) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
Useuful for working with batches of inputs that have an innate row ID + buffer pairing.
extract(TextInput) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
Support the standard Extractor interface.
extract(TextInput) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Support the standard Extractor interface.
extract(TextInput) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Support the standard Extractor interface.
extract(TextInput, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
extract_coordinates(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Assess all enabled patterns against the given text.
extract_coordinates(String, String, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Limit the extraction to a particular family of coordinates.
extract_dates(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
A direct call to extract dates; which is useful for diagnostics and development/testing.
extract_patterns(String, String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
Extract patterns of a certain family from a block of text.
ExtractionException - Exception in org.opensextant.extraction
An exception to be thrown when place name matching goes awry.
ExtractionException() - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionException
ExtractionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionException
ExtractionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionException
ExtractionMetrics - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
This is a holder for tracking various common measures: No.
ExtractionMetrics(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
A named metric
ExtractionResult - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
ExtractionResult() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
ExtractionResult(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
Given a record ID, create a container for holding onto all the geocodes for that particular data object.
Extractor - Interface in org.opensextant.extraction
For now, this interface is closer to an AbstractExtractor where a clean interface might be output = Extractor.extract(input) This interface specifies more
extractors - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
API: child implementations have access to the core list of extractors.


family - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
family - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
family_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
family_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateTimePattern
familyInt - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
familyInt - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
familyLabel - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
familyLabel - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
farsiLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
fast_replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Given a string S and a list of characters to replace with a substitute, return the new string, S'.
FEATURE_CLASS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Geonames Feature class
FEATURE_CODE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Geonames style feature coding
FEATURE_GEOHASH_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
FEATURE_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
Precision -- this is a first draft attempt at assigning some error bars to geocoding results.
FEED_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
field_order - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
field_set - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
fieldOrder - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
The field_order.
fieldOrder - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
fieldSet - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Distinct set of fields in your output schema.
FILENAME - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
FILENAME_REPLACE_CHAR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Char to use in place of special chars when scrubbing filenames.
filenameCleaner(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Another utility to deal with unicode in filenames
FILEPATH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Optionally the File path for the text
FILEPATH_FLD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Field names: filepath
FileUtility - Class in org.opensextant.util
FileUtility() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
filter_out(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordNormalization
Not all pattens might have filters.
FILTERED_IN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
FILTERED_OUT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
filterMatchesBySpans(String, List<TextMatch>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
A simple demonstration of how to sift through matches identifying which matches appear within tags.
filterOut(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatchFilter
If value is in stop list, then filter it out.
filterOut(TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
This helps you figure out what to put in the GIS products.
findRecord(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
find a single record.
findSimilar(Annotation) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
given the shell of a annot, find similar records.
findSimilar(Record) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
given the shell of a record, find similar records.
findTagSpans(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
Trivial attempt at locating edges of tags in data.
finish() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
finish() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
finish() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
finish() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
finish() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
finish() - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
FIPS2ISO(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Find an ISO code for a given FIPS entry.
fixNull(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
FLAG_ALL_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: filter all coordinate patterns that have filters
FLAG_EXTRACT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: extract context or not
FLAG_EXTRACT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
FLAG_NO_COORDINATES - Static variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
FOLDER_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
format(double, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
This was deemed to be more Java like, however performs 10x slower than format2() -- which unfortunately rounds too early.
format(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
Format each result; Some formatters may pass on results For example, Shapefile formatter accepts only Geocoding-capable TextMatch.
format_date(Date) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
formatConfidence(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Convenience method for managing how confidence number is reported in output.
formatConfidence(double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
Format confidence.
formatLatitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Format latitude.
formatLatLon(LatLon) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
Create a string representation of a decimal lat/lon.
formatLongitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Format longitude.
formatPrecision() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Precision value is in Meters.
formatResults(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Write to a file and return HTML containing a link to the file.
formatResults(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
Not implemented: this formatter is more flexible than requiring you to use it for Extraction output
formatResults(ExtractionResult) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
Formats the results obtained from processing a corpus through OpenSextant.
FormatterFactory - Class in org.opensextant.output
FormatterFactory() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.FormatterFactory
formatters - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
API: child implementations have access to the core list of extractors.
FOUND_CASE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
frenchLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
fromJSON(JsonObject) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
If "base data" has been filled in by other method, e.g., TW4J or other formal API, then avoid parsing the basics here: id, text ,author*, date, lang, are checked if null.


GDBFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
A results formatter for FileGDB output.
GDBFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.GDBFormatter
general_dates - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSFilter
general_formats - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSFilter
generateUniqueFilename(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Generate some filename with a unique date/time stamp
generateUniquePath(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Generate some path with a unique date/time stamp
GeoBase - Class in org.opensextant.data
An intermediary between the simple LatLon and other conceptual classes: Place, Country, etc.
GeoBase() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Creates an empty GeoBase location object
GeoBase(double, double) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
GeoBase(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Creates a new instance of GeoBase
Geocoding - Interface in org.opensextant.data
An interface that describes any data that can be geocoded -- the metadata behind deriving location is as important as the actual location is.
GeocoordMatch - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
GeocoordMatch holds all the annotation data for the actual raw and normalized coordinate.
GeocoordMatch(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
a TextMatch that represents a coordinate found in free text.
GeocoordMatchFilter - Interface in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
Filtering matches is a matter of practicality.
GeocoordNormalization - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
GeocoordNormalization() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordNormalization
GeocoordPattern - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
GeocoordPattern(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPattern
GeocoordPrecision - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
GeocoordPrecision() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPrecision
GeocoordTestCase - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
GeocoordTestCase(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordTestCase
GeoCSVFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
A results formatter for shapefile output.
GeoCSVFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.GeoCSVFormatter
GeodeticUtility - Class in org.opensextant.util
A collection of geodetic routines used within OpenSextant.
GeodeticUtility() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
geoEnabled - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
geohash(double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
geohash(LatLon) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
geoInterpreter - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
GeonamesUtility - Class in org.opensextant.util
GeonamesUtility() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
A utility class that offers many static routines; If you instantiate this class it will require metadata files for country-names and feature-codes in your classpath
germanLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
get_CCE_family(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
Get the CCE family for the given XConstants enum id
get_CCE_family(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
Get the CCE family for the given string/key
get_hemisphere_sign(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
get_hemisphere_symbol(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
get_pattern(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Access the paterns by ID
get_patterns() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
get_text_window(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Get a single text window around the offset.
get_text_window(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Find the text window(s) around a match.
get_trace() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
getAdmin1() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getAdmin1() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getAdmin1() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the admin 1.
getAdmin1Metadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Use getUSStateMetadata
getAdmin1Name() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getAdmin1Name() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getAdmin1Name() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Null implementation -- Geocoding interface.
getAdmin1Place(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Retrieve a Place object with the semi-official name (in Latin/Anglo terms) given CC and ADM1 code.
getAdmin1PlaceByHASC(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Lookup by coded path, CC.ADM1.
getAdmin1PostalCode() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
State-level postal code, the corresponds usually to ADM1
getAdmin1PostalCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
State-level postal code, the corresponds usually to ADM1
getAdmin1PostalCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
State-level postal code, the corresponds usually to ADM1.
getAdmin2() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getAdmin2() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getAdmin2() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the admin 2.
getAdmin2Name() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getAdmin2Name() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getAdmin2Name() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Null implementation -- Geocoding interface Coordinates from XCoord do not automatically report name of admin boundaries.
getAdminName() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getAdminName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getAdminName() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
GeoBase interface.
getAliases() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
getAllTimezones() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
A full list/map of all timezone labels mapped to UTC offsets present in this country.
getAnnotationId(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
New, required format for an annotation ID: Md5 hash made up of:
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
getAttributes() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
Converts internal JSON store to a key/value map.
getAverageTime() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
avg time spent for this metric in milliseconds
getBasename(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
get the base name of a file, given any file extension.
getByteCount() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
getCachedAnnotation(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Careful -- no guarntee that two entity annotations could share the same type/value unintentionally.
getCachedAnnotations() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Gets the cached annotations, unordered.
getCallCount() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
getCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Language
getConfidence() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
Confidence metric is a normalized 100-point scale.
getConfidence() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getConfidence() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
TOOD: convey a realistic confidence metric for what was actually matched.
getConfigurationDebug() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Instead of relying on a logging API, we now throw Exceptionsages for real configuration errors, and capture configuration details in a buffer if debug is on.
getContext() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
getContextAfter() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
getContextBefore() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
getCountries() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
getCountry() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
get the country object; generally optional.
getCountry(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Get Country by the default ISO digraph returns the Unknown country if you are not using an ISO2 code.
getCountryByAnyCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Find distinct country object by a code.
getCountryByFIPS(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
getCountryCode() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getCountryCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getCountryCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the country code.
getDDPrecision(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Return XCoord precision (+/- meters) in latitude.
getDefaultCountryName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Finds a default country name for a CC if one exists.
getEndOffset() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Compute span end offset.
getFeatureClass() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getFeatureClass() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getFeatureClass() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the feature class.
getFeatureCode() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getFeatureCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getFeatureCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the feature code.
getFeatureDesignation() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Returns a dynamically formatted feature string C/CODE for class/code.
getFeatureDesignation(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
getFeatureName(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Find a readable name or description of a class/code
getFeaturePrecision(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
For a given feature type and code, determine what sort of resolution or precision should be considered for that place, approximately.
getField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Gets the field.
getField(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
getFileDescription(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Get a plain language name of the type of file.
getFilenameFilter(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Simple filter
getFilepath() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.DocInput
get the original document
getFirstOffset(Annotation) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Gets the first offset.
getGeo() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordTestCase
getGeo(JsonObject, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
TOOD: validate available data for this schema.
getGeocoding(TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
The default geocoding interpretation is here.
getGeocoding(TextMatch) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.MatchInterpreter
For a given match in text return the geocoding object for that match, if one exists.
getGeohash() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getGeohashPrecision(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
For a given Geonames feature class/designation provide a guess about how long geohash should be.
getGeoMethod() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
TODO: this is not clear.
getHASC(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Get a hiearchical path for a boundar or a place.
getHASC(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
getHierarchicalPath() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
This ensures at least a default hierarchichal path is set.
getId_bias() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
The ID bias is a measure of the a priori likelihood that a mention of this name refers to this particular place.
getInputStream(File, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
getInputStream(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
getInputStreamReader(File, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Getting an input stream from a file.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.FormatterFactory
Supported formats are CSV, WKT, HTML, KML, Shapefile, GDB, JSON
getInstanceId() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getInteger(JsonObject, String, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
getIntValue(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
Gets the int value.
getISO639_1_Code() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Language
getISOCountries() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
List all country names, official and variant names.
getISOTimestamp() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
getJobName() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
A basic job name that reflects file name
getJobName() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
A basic job name that reflects file name.
getJobName() - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
getJobName() - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
getJobTimestamp() - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Generates a simple job date/time key for the job
getKey() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getLang(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Parse lang ID from Locale.
getLanguage(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
ISO2 and ISO3 char codes for languages are unique.
getLanguageCode(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
ISO2 and ISO3 char codes for languages are unique.
getLanguageMap() - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
If caller wants to add language they can.
getLanguageName(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Given an ISO2 char code (least common denominator) retrieve Language Name.
getLanguages() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
getLatHemisphereSign(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
getLatitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getLatitude() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.LatLon
getLatitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the latitude.
getLatText() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the lat text.
getLength() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Compute length, as logic is related to defaults, if value is set or not.
getLength() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
get the length of the matched text
getLongitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getLongitude() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.LatLon
getLongitude() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the longitude.
getLonHemisphereSign(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Given a list of match groups find the first Longitude Hemisphere group hemiLon W, E group used mostly for DMS, DM, DD formats hemiLonSign +, - group allowed only for specific formats; +/- may appear before any number not just coords.
getLonText() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the lon text.
getMap() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Generate a key-value representation of the object with its current values.
getMap() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
getMap() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
getMatchId() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Future planning -- match_id may become private field in future API.
getMentionIDs() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
fully qualified Twitter user profiles: screen_name : user ID pairings.
getMentions() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Found user screen_names, no user ID
getMethod() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getMethod() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
The method by which the geolocation was determined; GAZ, COUNTRY, etc.
getMethod() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Returns the exact pattern that matched.
getName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Language
getName() - Method in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
getName() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
Extractor interface: getName
getName() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Extractor interface: getName
getName() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Extractor interface: getName.
getName_bias() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
The name bias is a measure of the a priori likelihood that a mention of this place's name actually refers to a place.
getName_type() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getNameCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Language
getNamenorm() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Return name normalized, e.g., lowercase, w/out diacritics.
getNamenorm() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
getNDNamenorm() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Returns a pre-computed Non-diacritic name
getNearByPlaces() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the near by places.
getOffsets() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
getOtherInterpretations() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the other interpretations.
getOutputFilepath() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
getOutputFilepath() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Gets the output filepath.
getOutputFilepath() - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
Get the path to the output file.
getOutputFormats() - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
getOutputStream(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Caller is responsible for write flush, close, etc.
getOutputStream(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Caller is responsible for write flush, close, etc.
getOutputType() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
getOutputType() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Gets the output type.
getOutputType() - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
Get the type of output produced by this formatter.
getParent(File) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
getPatternFamily(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
getPatternFamily(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
getPatternManager() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
getPlaceID() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getPlaceID() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getPlaceID() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the place ID.
getPlaceName() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
getPlaceName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getPlaceName() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the place name.
getPlacePostalCode() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
City-level postal code, that may be something like a zip.
getPlacePostalCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
City-level postal code, that may be something like a zip.
getPlacePostalCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
City-level postal code, that may be something like a zip.
getPopulation() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
getPrecision() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
Precision - radius in meters of possible error
getPrecision() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Get the relative precision of this feature; in meters of error
getPrecision() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the precision.
getPrimaryLanguage() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Certain island nations, areas, and territories that have ISO country codes may not have a language.
getProvince(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Lookup by coded path, CC.ADM1.
getProvinceMetadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Alias for getWorldAdmin1Metadata.
getRegions() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
getRelatedPlace() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Gets the related place.
getSafeDir(File, String, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Get a directory that does not conflict with an existing directory.
getSafeFile(File, String, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
getSchema() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Gets the schema.
getSource() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Get the original source of this information.
getSupportedFormats() - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.FormatterFactory
getTags() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
getTerritories() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
List the territories for this country.
getText() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.DocInput
getText() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
get the message text.
getText() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
getTextNatural() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Get the natural language version of the raw text.
getTextnorm() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Get a normalized version of the text, lower case, punctuation and diacritics removed.
getTextpath() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.DocInput
get the optional text version of the document;
getTotalTime() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
getType() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
getTZDatabase() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Return the full list of TZ.
getURLs() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
getUSStateMetadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Provides access to a array of ADM1 metadata.
getValidFilename(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
On occasion file path may contain unicode chars, however as the is encoded, it may not be decodable by OS/FS.
getValue() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Get the cartesian value for this ordinate
getWorldAdmin1Metadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Get the array of Place objects representing ADM1 level boundaries.
GIS_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
GISDataFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
This is the base class for classes that convert document annotations to GISCore features.
GISDataFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
gisDataModel - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
GISDataModel - Class in org.opensextant.output
GISDataModel(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Instantiates a new GIS data model.
GISDataModel(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Instantiates a new GIS data model.
gridzone() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Identifies the 100KM quad in which this point is contained.
group_map(RegexPattern, Matcher) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
NOTE: We're dealing with Java6's inability to use named groups.
group_matches(RegexPattern, Matcher) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Matched fields as TextEntities
groupByDocument - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
guessLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Routine to guess the language ID Scrub data prior to guessing language.


has_degrees - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
has_hemi - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
has_minutes - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
has_seconds - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasCachedAnnotation(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Checks for cached annotation.
hasCJKText(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
A simple test to see if text has any CJK characters at all.
hasCoordinate() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Convenience method for checking if lat/lon was set to other than 0,0 (default)
hasCoordinate() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
has Coordinate: if this named place object has a coordinate.
hasCoordinate() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks for coordinate.
hasDegrees() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasDiacritics(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
If a string has extended latin diacritics.
hasDigits(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
hasHemisphere() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hashtagPattern1 - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Find any pattern "ABC#[ABC 123]" -- a hashtag with whitespace.
hashtagPattern2 - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Find any pattern "#ABC123" -- normal hashtag, Java Regex note: UNICODE flags are important, otherwise "\w" and other classes match only ASCII.
hasLength() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
hasMinutes() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasMinutes() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks for minutes.
hasOtherIterpretations() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks for other interpretations.
hasSeconds() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasSeconds() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks for seconds.
hasSubDegrees() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasSubMinutes() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasSubSeconds() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasSymbols() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hasTags() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
hasTerritories() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
hasUniqueName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
HEMI_MAP - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hemiLatFields - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hemiLonFields - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
hemisphere - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Hemisphere - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
Represent a Hemisphere symbol and value.
Hemisphere() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.Hemisphere
HOUR - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution


id - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
A base class to keep all data organized
id - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Message ID
id - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Nod OID: 1.2.3
id - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
IGNORE_SEQ - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The ignore seq.
IMAGE_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
includeCoordinate - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
GIS formats may optionally include coordinates as fields.
includeCoordinate - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
includeOffsets - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Schema-specific stuff.
includeOffsets - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
initialize(InputStream) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Initializes the pattern manager implementations.
initialize(InputStream) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
initialize(InputStream) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
initLangId() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Taken straight from LangDetect example NOTE: /langdetect/profiles must be a folder on disk, although I have a variation that could work with JAR resources.
initLanguageData() - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Initialize language codes and metadata.
initLOCLanguageData() - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
This is Libray of Congress data for language IDs.
input - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
inputFile - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
insertGeo(JsonObject, Geocoding, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
TOOD: validate available data for this schema.
insertMention(JsonArray, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
Serialize a user screen name / ID pairing., e.g.
insertMention(JsonArray, Tweet.Mention) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
Variation on insertMention(a, name, uid)
interpretations - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The interpretations.
INVALID_DATE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
INVALID_DAY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
INVALID_FCNAME_CHAR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
is_duplicate - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
If this entity is a duplicate of some other
is_overlap - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
If this entity is a overlaps with some other
is_submatch - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
If this entity is contained completely within some other
isAbbreviation() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isAbbreviation(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Check if name type is an Abbreviation
isAbbreviation(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Wrapper for isAbbreviation(name type)
isAcronym - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Acronyms are assumed to be ALL UPPER CASE; granted this does not always apply.
isAdmin1() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Is this Place a State or Province?
isAdmin1(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Is this Place a State or Province?
isAdmin1(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isAdmin2(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isAdministrative() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
isAdministrative() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isAdministrative() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks if is administrative.
isAdministrative(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
if a place or feature represents an administrative boundary.
isAfter(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Assuming simple whitespace separation or other simple delimiters, is this term following the argument entity?
isAlpha() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.Hemisphere
Checks if is alpha.
isArchiveFile(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Check if a file is an archive
isArchiveFileType(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Allow checking of a file extention; NO prefix "."
isASCII - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
True if text is purely ASCII
isASCII() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
If non-punctuation content is purely ASCII vs.
isASCII(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isASCII(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isASCII(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Early exit test -- return false on first non-ASCII character found.
isASCIILetter(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isASCIIName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isAudio(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Checks file extension of given filepath to see if the format is a known audio type.
isBalanced() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks if is balanced.
isBefore(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Assuming simple whitespace separation or other simple delimiters, is this term preceeding the argument entity?
isChinese(Character.UnicodeBlock) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isChinese(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Utility method to check if lang ID is Chinese(Traditional or Simplified)...
isCJK(Character.UnicodeBlock) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isCJK(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Utility method to check if lang ID is Chinese, Korean, or Japanese
isCode() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isCode(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isCoord(double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
isCoord(Geocoding) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
isCoord(LatLon) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
isCoordinate() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
isCoordinate: if this object represents a coordinate
isCoordinate() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isCoordinate() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Note the coordinate nature of this TextMatch/Geocoding takes precedence over other flags isPlace, isCountry, etc.
isCountry() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
isCountry() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Is this Place a Country?
isCountry() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks if is country.
isCountry(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Is this Place a Country?
isCountry(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Wrapper for isCountry(feat code)
isCountryNameCollision(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isDatetime(TextMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
Testers for TextMatch: isDatetime macro.
isdefault - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
You the caller must explicitly set isdefault = false; forcing you to actually look at these parameters.
isDefault() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Users of this class should set a non-default type via setType(String), otherwise the match remains default and generic.
isDistantPast - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
Flag caller can use to classify if a date match is distant
isDistantPast(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Checks if is distant past.
isDistantPast(Date) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Checks if is distant past.
isDistantPastYMD(Date) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
if a date is too far in past to likley be a date of the format YYYY-MM-DD.
isDone() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.social.JSONListener
If listener isDone, then caller should exit
isDST - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
isDST = is Daylight Savings Time = true if we think the message timestamp is in a period of DST recognized by the country of origin, or UTC offset.
isEnglish - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
True if processing of text determines tweet is nearly all English.
isEnglish(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Utility method to check if lang ID is English...
isEuroLanguage(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
European languages = Romance + GER + ENG Extend definition as needed.
isFilteredOut() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
isFuture - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
Flag caller can use to classify if date is future relative to a given date, by default TODAY
isFuture(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Given the set MAX_DATE_CUTOFF_YEAR, determine if the date epoch is earlier than this.
isFuture(Date) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Checks if is future.
isGeoinferenced() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
indicate if tweet has any Geo resolution at all, wether it was a given Lat/Lon or derived.
isGeolocated() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
indicate if tweet is geolocated by an accurate coordinate.
isImage(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Using Commons getExtension(), determine if the filename represents an image media type.
isJapanese(Character.UnicodeBlock) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Checks if char block is uniquely Japanese.
isJSONGzip(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Tell if the file is JSON/Gzip
isKorean(Character.UnicodeBlock) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Likely to be uniquely Korean if the character block is in Hangul.
isLand(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isLatin(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Checks if non-ASCII and non-LATIN characters are present.
isLeftMatch(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
isLocation(TextMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
Testers for TextMatch: isLocation macro.
isLower - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
writable flags that represent some basic assement of your input text.
isLower() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
test If text (that has a case sense) is ALL lower case
isLower(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
isLowerCaseDocument(int[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
This measures the amount of upper case See Upper Case.
isMixedCase() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
test if text is mixed case.
isName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
test if Place is a "Name" -- not a code/abbrev or other.
isName(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Check if name type is an Abbreviation
isNationalCapital() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Is this Place a National Capital?
isNationalCapital(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Is this Place a National Capital?
isNationalCapital(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
wrapper for isNationalCaptial( feat code )
isNumeric(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
StringUtils in commons isNumeric("1.234") is NOT numeric.
ISO_COUNTRY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
ISO Country code
iso_date_formatter - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
isOverlap(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
isPlace() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
isPlace() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isPlace() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Checks if is place.
isPlainText(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Test is a path or file extension ends with .txt NPE if null is passed in.
isPoliticalEntity(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Test if a feature is a political entity ~ country, territory, sovereign land
isPoliticalEntity(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Test is Place feature is coded as PCL* (PCL, PCLIX, PCLH, PCLD, PCLF, PCLS, etc)
isPopulated() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
if feature class for this location is 'P' for populated place.
isPopulated(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isPostal(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isPostal(Place) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isPrimaryLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
isPrimaryLanguage(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
If lang is primary lang.
isRightMatch(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
isRomanceLanguage(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Romance languages = SPA + POR + ITA + FRA + ROM Extend definition as needed.
isSame(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Case-insensitive comparison to another string
isSame(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isSameMatch(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
isSameNorm(TextMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Compare the normalized string for this match to that of another.
isShortName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Alias for "isAbbreviation() || isCode()"
isSpoken(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
isSpot() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isSpot(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isSpreadsheet(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Simple check if a file is typed as a Spreadsheet Tab-delimited .txt files or .dat files may be valid spreadsheets, however this method does not look inside files.
isSupported(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.output.FormatterFactory
Check if this is a known format
isTerritory - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country
isUpper - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
isUpper() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
test If text (that has a case sense) is ALL upper case
isUpper(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
For measuring the upper-case-ness of short texts.
isUpperAdmin() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
macro for detecting ADM1 or ADM2
isUpperAdminLevel(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Macro for reasoning with upper common levels of boundaries - province, districts.
isUpperCaseDocument(int[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
First measureCase(Text) to acquire counts, then call this routine for a heuristic that suggests the text is mainly upper case.
isUppercaseName() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
isValidEastingNorthing(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSParser
A hueuristic from looking at real data, real text artifacts - typos, line endings, whitespace wrapping, etc.
isValidNonZeroCoordinate(double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
A common check required by practical applications -- 0,0 is not interesting, so this is a simple java-based check.
isValue(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
isValue(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
isValue(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
isValue(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
isValue(List<?>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
isValue(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
isValue(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
isVideo(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Checks file extension of given filepath to see if the format is a known video type.
isWebURL(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Check if path or URL is a webpage.
isWindowsSystem() - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
A way of determining OS Beware, OS X has Darwin in its full OS name.
isWithin(TextEntity) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
isWithinChars(TextEntity, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Proximity test between this text span and another This is A; B is input.
isZero() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Convenience method for determining if XY = 0,0.
isZeroCoord(double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
Just tests if location is not 0,0 ...
italianLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils


japaneseLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
JAVA_0_DATE_YEAR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
The Constant JAVA_0_DATE_YEAR.
JSONListener - Interface in org.opensextant.data.social


key - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
identifier ID
KMLFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
A formatter for KML output that uses GISCore API.
KMLFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.KMLFormatter
KNOWN_NAME_COLLISIONS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
koreanLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils


label - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
lang - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Language of the message; not usually given unless inferred by someone or something.
LangDetect - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.langid
Wrapper around cybozu labs langdetect.
LangDetect() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Default use requires you unpack LangDetect profiles here: /langdetect-profiles
LangDetect(int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
If you anticipate working with short text - queries, tweets, excerpts, etc.
LangDetect(int, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
LangDetect(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
langid - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
langid - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
LangID - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.langid
LangID(String, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
Language - Class in org.opensextant.data
Simple mapping of ISO 639 id to display name for languages
Language(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Language
Language(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Language
A normalize view of a Language - ISO 639-2 and -1 codes and display name codes are lower cased.
LANGUAGE_ID_GROUP_CJK - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
LANGUAGE_ID_GROUP_ENGLISH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
LANGUAGE_ID_GROUP_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
languagesInCountry(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
LAT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
LAT_DEGREE_PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
LAT_MAX - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
LAT_MAX - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
lat_text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The lat text.
latitude - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
LatLon - Interface in org.opensextant.data
level - Variable in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
list(JsonArray) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
utility -- get list from jsonarray.
list(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
loadCountryLanguages() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Parse metadata from geonames.org (file in CLASSPATH @ /geonames.org/countryInfo.txt) and populate existing Country objects with language metadata.
loadDict(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
The do all method.
loadDictionary(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Load a word list from a file path.
loadDictionary(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
A generic word list loader.
loadDictionary(URL, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
A generic word list loader.
loadMajorCities(InputStream) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Load the Geonames.org majorcities data file.
loadMajorCities(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Geonames.org data set: citiesN.txt
loadUSStateMetadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
TODO: This is mildly informed by geonames.org, however even there we are still missing a mapping between ADM1 FIPS/ISO codes for a state and the Postal codes/abbreviations.
loadWorldAdmin1Metadata() - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Source: geonames.org ADM1 codes/names in anglo/ASCII form.
LOCATION_FLD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
locationCC - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Location Country Code if inferred or given.
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
log - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
API: child implementations should recreate their own logger.
LON - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
LON_MAX - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
LON_MAX - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
lon_text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The lon text.
longitude - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch


MACAddress - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data
MACAddress() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.MACAddress
makeDirectory(File) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Utility for making dirs
makeDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Utility for making dirs
map(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
mapMajorCityIDs(List<Place>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Convenience: prepare a map for lookup by ID.
mapPopulationByLocation(List<Place>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
See mapPopulationByLocation(list, int).
mapPopulationByLocation(List<Place>, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
This organizes population data by geohash.
markComplete() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
match - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
match_class - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
match_classname - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
Name of a Java class that extends TextMatch and implements user's normalization routines.
match_DateTime(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
enable date time patterns
match_DayMonYear(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
enable day mon year.
match_DD(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Enable matching of DD patterns
match_DM(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Enable matching of DM patterns
match_DMS(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Enable matching of DMS patterns
match_groups - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
match_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
MATCH_METHOD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
The method used to match the data in MATCH TEXT
match_MGRS(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Enable matching of MGRS patterns
match_MonDayYear(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
enable mon day year patterns.
MATCH_TEXT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Match Text captures the raw text matched by the tagger.
match_UTM(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Enable matching of UTM patterns
match_width - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
MatcherUtils - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
MatcherUtils() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
matches - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
matches - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
MatchFilter - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
The Class MatchFilter.
MatchFilter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.MatchFilter
free-form filter
MatchFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.MatchFilter
Instantiates a new match filter.
MatchFilter(URL) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.MatchFilter
MatchInterpreter - Interface in org.opensextant.output
MAX_ERROR_COUNT - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetLoader
The internals of parsing a JSON file of tweets.
MAX_YEARS_AGO - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The max years ago.
md5_id(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
not MD5 specific. Use #b2hex() instead
MDY_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
measureCase(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Measure character count, upper, lower, non-Character, whitespace
measureCJKText(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Returns a ratio of Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters: CJK chars / ALL TODO: needs testing; not sure if this is sustainable if block; or if it is comprehensive.
Mention() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet.Mention
mentionAuthorID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet.Mention
mentionAuthorProfileID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet.Mention
mentionIDs - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
mentions - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
message - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
Message - Class in org.opensextant.data.social
Micro Message is the basis for any sort microblog message, SMS, or tweet or other social media post.
Message() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Trivial constructor.
Message(String, String, Date) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
A simple message with an ID, text and a timestamp.
MESSAGE_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
MessageParseException - Exception in org.opensextant.data.social
MessageParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.data.social.MessageParseException
MessageParseException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.data.social.MessageParseException
method - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
MGRS_FILTERS_ON - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
RUNTIME FLAGS: filter MGRS coordinates -- date patterns and NUM PER NUM patterns e.g., the ratio "4 per 4000" is not MGRS
MGRS_offset_precision_list - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
MGRS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
MGRS_precision_list - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Precision appears in pairs, as we tolerate some typo/errors in MGRs.
MGRS2DEC_digits - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
MGRSFilter - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
MGRS Filters include ignoring these patterns: 1234 123456 12345678 1234567890 Recent calendar dates of the form ddMMMyyyy, "14DEC1990" (MGRS: 14D EC 19 90 Recent calendar dates with time, ddMMHHmm, "14DEC1200" Noon on 14DEC.
MGRSFilter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
Instantiates a new MGRS filter.
MGRSParser - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
MGRSParser() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSParser
MIN - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
MIN_LANG_DETECT_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
MIN_LENGTH_UNK_TEXT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
A simple threshold for demarcating when we might infer simple language ID with minimal content.
MINUTE - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
Money - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data
Money() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
Money(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
Money(Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
MONTH - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution


name - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
name - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
any name associated with this place
name - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Node name: citrus.tropical
name_type - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Place
NAME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
NEG_HEMI - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
NEGATIVE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
newAttributes() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
NL - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
NO_DAY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
NO_DOC_ID - Static variable in interface org.opensextant.extraction.Extractor
optional constant - a universal doc ID holder
NO_HEMISPHERE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
NO_HEMISPHERE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
NO_MONTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
NO_YEAR - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
NONE - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
normal_case - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
NormalizationException - Exception in org.opensextant.extraction
NormalizationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException
NormalizationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException
normalize() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.EmailAddress
normalize() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.MACAddress
normalize() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
normalize() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.TelephoneNumber
normalize() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
Trim whitespace and convert found text to alpha case configured for this object.
normalize_coordinate(GeocoordMatch, Map<String, TextEntity>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordNormalization
The match object is normalized, setting the coord_text and other data from parsing "text" and knowing which pattern family was matched.
normalize_date(Map<String, String>, DateMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
For now this reports only DATE and standard TIME fields.
normalize_day(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
normalize_month(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
normalize_month_name(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
normalize_time(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
Given a field hh, mm, or ss, get field from map and normalize/validate the value.
normalize_tz(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
Z or Zulu is not always recognized as UTC / GMT+0000.
normalize_year(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateNormalization
normalizeAbbreviation(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Intended only as a filter for punctuation within a word.
normalizeAdminCode(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Convert and ADM1 or ADM2 id to a normalized form.
normalizeCountryName(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
This may help revert to a more readable country name, e.g., if you are given upper case name and you want some version of it as a proper name But no need to use this if you have good reference data.
normalizeFilenameChar(char) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Tests for valid filename chars for simple normalization A-Z, a-z, _-, 0-9,
normalizeTextEntity(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Normalization: Clean the ends, Remove Line-endings from middle of entity.
normalizeUnicode(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Normalize to "Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition" (NFD) REF: http: //stackoverflow.com/questions/3610013/file-listfiles-mangles-unicode- names-with-jdk-6-unicode-normalization-issues This supports proper file name retrieval from file system, among other things.
NORTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
notes - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
Notes are any text messages you wish to attach to a record DeepEye is not responsible for how such a buffer is maintained.
NUM_SEP - Static variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
The Constant NUM_SEP.


offset - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
optional offset
OFFSET_HALF - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
offsetDeg - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Where does the Degree value begin in text?
offsetHemi - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
offsetMatch - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
offsetOrdinate - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
OFFSETS_FLD - Static variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
offsetSeparator - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The offset separator.
ONE_YEAR_MS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
The Constant ONE_YEAR_MS.
OpenSextantSchema - Class in org.opensextant.output
GISCore-based output schema.
OpenSextantSchema() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
optString(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
"", null, or "null" checking.
org.opensextant - package org.opensextant
org.opensextant.annotations - package org.opensextant.annotations
DeepEye is an approach for simplifying typical NLP annotation exchanges.
org.opensextant.data - package org.opensextant.data
Xponents Data Model
org.opensextant.data.social - package org.opensextant.data.social
Social Media Representation
org.opensextant.extraction - package org.opensextant.extraction
Extraction Fundamentals
org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat - package org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
FlexPat -- A Pattern Definition & Testing Library
org.opensextant.extractors.langid - package org.opensextant.extractors.langid
Language Detection
org.opensextant.extractors.poli - package org.opensextant.extractors.poli
Patterns Of Life (PoLi)
org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data - package org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data
PoLi Patterns: Cyber, Telelphony, Currency examples
org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord - package org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
XCoord: Geographic Coordinate Extraction
org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal - package org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
XTemporal: Date and Time Pattern Extraction
org.opensextant.output - package org.opensextant.output
Xponents Output Formatting using GISCore
org.opensextant.processing - package org.opensextant.processing
Processing Basics: Parameters, Results Handlers, Pipelining
org.opensextant.util - package org.opensextant.util
Utilities for Extraction
os - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
output_coordinate_duplicates - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Is the concept of duplicate filtering more general than for just coords?
output_filtered - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
By default Country Names will not be included in GIS products They should appear in CSV, though.
output_geohash - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Default is to not generate Geohash
outputDir - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
outputExtension - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
File extension for callers to know.
outputExtension - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
File extension for callers to know.
outputFile - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
outputParams - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
outputParams - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
The output params.
outputType - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
outputType - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
reflected by extension; an enum in OpenSextant
overwrite - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
overwrite - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
The overwrite.
ownsTerritory(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
Territory ownership is defined only by the data fed to this API; We do not make any political statements here.


Parameters - Class in org.opensextant.processing
A property sheet.
Parameters() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
parseDate(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
A limited-scope date parsing: Parse properly formatted strings for example, ISO date/time strings stored in one of our Solr indices.
parseDate(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
parseHashTags(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Parse the typical Twitter hashtag variants.
parseHashTags(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Takes a string and returns all the hashtags in it.
parseId(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Most commonly needed to parse TweetID from a GnipID
parseIds(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Find a best ID from many possible places where ID, id, id_str, etc, reside.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSParser
parseLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
parseLatLon(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
Parse coordinate from object
parseLatLon(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
The most simplistic parsing and validation of "lat lon" or "lat, lon" any amount of whitespace is allowed, provided the lat lon order is there.
parseMentions(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
From a tweet, get list of "@id"
parseMentions(JsonObject) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Gets a entities.user_mentions from a normal Tweet.
parseMGRS(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSParser
Given the match parse MGRS as best as can be done.
parseNaturalLanguage(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
see default implementation below
parseNaturalLanguage(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Given tweet text or any [social media] text remove entities or other markers: - URLs are removed - entities are stripped of "@" - hashtags are stripped of "#" - HTML: & is converted to an ampersand - HTML: escaped angle brackets are replaced with { and } for gt and lt, respectively - HTML: remaining special chars are converted back to unicode; remaining ampersand is replaced with "+" Whitespaces (space, newlines, tabs, etc.) are reduced.
parser_rule - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
parseText(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
parseURLs(List<?>) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
supports gnip.urls or topsy.urls fields
parseUTM(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.UTMParser
TODO: Needs lots of false positive filtering mainly using context.
pass - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
pass(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSFilter
pass a match
pass(GeocoordMatch) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatchFilter
pass a match
pass(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
pass a match.
pattern_family_state - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
pattern_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
the ID of the pattern that extracted this
patternFields - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
fields in pattern match
patternFile - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
PatternManager - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
This is the culmination of various coordinate extraction efforts in python and Java.
PatternManager - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
PatternManager(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
PatternManager(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
Pass in InputStream to provide yourself the most flexibility.
patterns - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
patterns - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
patterns_file - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
patterns_list - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
PatternsOfLife - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli
PatternsOfLife() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
Default constructor, debugging off.
PatternsOfLife(boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PatternsOfLife
PatternTestCase - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
PatternTestCase(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
phoneticReduction(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Create a non-diacritic, ASCII version of the input string.
phoneticReduction(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
PKG - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.FormatterFactory
Place - Class in org.opensextant.data
Place class represents all the metadata about a location.
Place() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Place
Place(double, double) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Place
Place(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Place
Creates a new instance of GeoBase
PLACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
the name in the Gazetteer entry; which aligns with the MATCH TEXT
polarity - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.Hemisphere
Hemisphere polarity - N, E = +1; S, W = -1.
PoliMatch - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli
PoliMatch() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
No-argument constructor is needed because class in invoked through introspection (via name of class)
PoliMatch(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
PoliMatch(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
PoliMatch(Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
PoliPatternManager - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli
PoliPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
portugueseLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
POS_HEMI - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
postChar - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
char immediately after span
preChar - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
char immediately before span
precision - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
inherent precision of the coordinate matched.
precision - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPrecision
+/- # of Meters of error
PRECISION - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
Number of meters of error in coordinate of location.
PrecisionScales - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
PrecisionScales() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
preferJSON() - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.social.JSONListener
implementation should advertise if it prefers JSON or String.
preferredGeography - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
A way of relaying arbitrary geographic filters to an extraction routine indicating that useful answers for disambiguation for tie-breakers come from these cues.
primary - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
primaryLangID(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
When lang ID will do.
primaryLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Primary language for a given country.
probability - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
procdate - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
a processing date/time key that has as much resolution as you need This is a string because the lexical sort is likely easier to manage than using actual date/time field with date/time math.
process(TextInput) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
Process one input.
processAndFormat(TextInput) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
Processes input content against all extractors and all formatters This does not throw exceptions, as some processing may fail, while others succeed.
ProcessingException - Exception in org.opensextant.processing
ProcessingException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.processing.ProcessingException
ProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.processing.ProcessingException
ProcessingException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.opensextant.processing.ProcessingException
producer - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
A short label or tag representing the matcher, extractor, tagger, etc.
PROVINCE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema


rawbytes - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Character count of the message.
rawOffset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
readFile(File) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
readFile(File, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Slurps a text file into a string and returns the string.
readFile(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
readGzipFile(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
readJSONByLine(File, JSONListener) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetLoader
To read gzip/JSON files one row of JSON at a time.
readObject(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.social.JSONListener
API method to allow implementation to read string, e.g., TW4J factory uses strictly String args in a JSON context.
readObject(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.social.JSONListener
rec_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Record - Class in org.opensextant.annotations
A record is a representation of the raw original.
Record() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
Record(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
recordFile - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
Original file for record
recordID - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
short ID or name of file
recordTextFile - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionResult
Text version of file used for processing
reduce_line_breaks(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Replaces all 3 or more blank lines with a single paragraph break (\n\n)
reduceMatches(List<TextMatch>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
Reduce actual valid matches by identifying duplicates or sub-matches.
regex - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
regex_groups - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
RegexPattern - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
RegexPattern(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
Metadata for a Regular Expression pattern
RegexPatternManager - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
This is the culmination of various date/time extraction efforts in python and Java.
RegexPatternManager(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
remarks - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
removeAny(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Remove instances of any char in the remove string from buf
removeAnyLeft(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
compare to trim( string, chars ), but you can trim any chars Example: - a b c remove "-" from string above.
removeDiacritics(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Supports Phoneticizer utility from OpenSextant v1.x Remove diacritics from a phrase
removeDirectory(File) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Java oddity - recursive removal of a directory
removeEmoticons(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
replace Emoticons with something less nefarious -- UTF-16 characters do not play well with some I/O routines.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Removes the field.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
removeField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
removeField(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
Removes the field.
removeField(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
removePunctuation(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Remove any leading and trailing punctuation and some internal punctuation.
removeSymbols(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Replace symbology
replaceAny(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Replace any of the removal chars with the sub.
replaceDiacritics(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
A thorough replacement of diacritics and Unicode chars to their ASCII equivalents.
replaceDiacritics(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.Unimap
A port of opensextant.unicode in Python lib; A rendering of the Solr lucene character filter/map.
replaceDiacriticsOriginal(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
See replaceDiacritics as the replacement.
reportMemory() - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.RuntimeTools
Easily digestible version of memory report.
reset() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.AnnotationHelper
Reset() clears the internal cache.
reset() - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup
DRAFT: still figuring out the rules for 'reset' between processing or inputs.
resetOffsets() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
This is provided mainly for testing.
resolution - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch
resolve_localities - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Reverse Geo here is accommodated by resolving Provinces and Localities when a geodetic coordinate is encountered in text.
result_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
ResultsFormatter - Interface in org.opensextant.output
Interface for classes that generate output from corpora that have been processed by OpenSextant.
ResultsUtility - Class in org.opensextant.processing
Abstract class encapsulating basic results formatter functionality.
ResultsUtility() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
retweet - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
retweetID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
romanianLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
rootid - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Node root: citrus
RUNTIME_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
RUNTIME_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
RuntimeTools - Class in org.opensextant.processing
RuntimeTools() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.processing.RuntimeTools
russianLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils


sameBoundary(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Check if CC.AA coding of the features is the same.
save(Record) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
Suggested Save operation: check if exists, update if it does, otherwise insert.
schema - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
SCHEMA_OID - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
score - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
On a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 = 100% confident, how would you score this language identity? It is easier to compare scores 55 == 55, vs.
SEC - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
SECOND - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
separator - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The separator.
separators - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
The separators.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.opensextant.ConfigException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.opensextant.processing.ProcessingException
set_match_id(TextMatch, int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
set_normalized_text() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Get back a normalized version of what you found.
set_precision(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordNormalization
set the precision on a match based on the situation (match + pattern).
setAdmin1(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setAdmin1Name(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setAdmin1PostalCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setAdmin1PostalCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the admin 1 postal code.
setAdmin2(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setAdmin2Name(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setAdminName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setBalanced(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Allow pattern rules to determine by any means if match is balanced.
setByteCount(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
setConfidence(int) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
Set confidence, a value on a 100 point scale, 0-100.
setConfidence(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setConfidence(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the confidence.
setContext(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Set the context buffer from a single window
setContext(String, String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Set the context with before and after windows
setContextFor(String, TextEntity, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
Given the annotation or match, set the context on the TextEntity object.
setCoordinate(DMSOrdinate, DMSOrdinate) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Set the ordinates back on the match; general filters are assessed.
setCountry(Country) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
setCountry(Country) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Set the country object and the local country ID code.
setCountry(Country) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the country.
setCountryCode(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Compat: set country_id aka CountryCode
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the country code.
setDate(long) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Set the date and an the standard "CREATED_AT" date/time format.
setDDPrecision(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
Sets the precision on a decimal degrees match
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordPrecision
Augment number of digits in precision -- choose the maximum amount if in coord (a,b) if a has more digits of precision than b, use a's precision.
setDistantPastYear(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
* Application thresholds -- chosen by the user.
setDMSPrecision(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
set precision on a DMS text coordinate -- simply if the Match latitude "has seconds" then its precision is seconds, otherwise if it has minutes, then it is precise to +/- 1 minute, etc.
setFeatureClass(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setFeatureCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setFilteredOut(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
setGeohash(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Set and get Geohash -- this is delegated to caller as core processing need not have a geohash generated when lat/lon is set.
setGeoMethod(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setGisDataModel() - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
Use Default GIS Data Model based on current state of formatter
setGisDataModel(GISDataModel) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
setGroups(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
setHierarchicalPath(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setId(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
setId_bias(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setInstanceId(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Use to identify a particular related object ID associated with this location.
setJobName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
setKey(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
legacy nomenclature.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setLatitude(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
setLatitude(double) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.LatLon
setLatitude(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the latitude.
setLatitude(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the latitude.
setLatLon(LatLon) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Convenience method
setLatLon(LatLon) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
If you are given a vetted XY, use that.
setLatLon(Place, JsonObject, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Order of coordinates is for geo = (LON, LAT) in twitter objects.
setLength(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
setLongitude(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
setLongitude(double) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.LatLon
setLongitude(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the longitude.
setLongitude(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the longitude.
setMatchInterpeter(MatchInterpreter) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Override means for how geocoding is determined per row.
setMatchWidth(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
Match Width is the text buffer before and after a TextMatch.
setMethod(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
setMethod(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setMethod(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
This reuses TextMatch.pattern_id attr; Use get/setMethod() or pattern_id as needed.
setMGRSPrecision(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
setName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
setName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
setName_bias(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setName_type(char) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setOutputDir(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
setOutputDir(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Sets the output dir.
setOutputDir(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
Set the path to the output directory.
setOutputFilename(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
setOutputFilename(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Sets the output filename.
setOutputFilename(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
Set the name of the output file.
setParameters(Parameters) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Note - output parameters use tag_XYZ flags to indicate date to include or exclude
setParameters(Parameters) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Sets the parameters.
setParameters(Parameters) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
A more convenient way of passing in a list of parameters.
setPerson(JsonObject) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setPlace(Place, JsonObject) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setPlaceID(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Wrapper around GeoBase.setKey for compat
setPlaceName(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
setPlaceName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setPlaceName(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the place name.
setPlacePostalCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setPlacePostalCode(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the place postal code.
setPopulation(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setPrecision(int) - Method in interface org.opensextant.data.Geocoding
Precision - radius in meters of possible error
setPrecision(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
Xponents version of precision is number of meters of error, approximately.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the precision.
setPrePostContextFor(String, TextEntity, int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
Given the TextEntity, set the context on that object.
setRelatedPlace(Place) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the related place.
setRelativeOffset(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Note: this should only be called once.
setRelativeOffsets(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
offsets for degree and hemisphere until this point are likely absolute within a document Reset them using this relative offset.
setRemarks(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
Set the test remarks and IFF the word "fail" is in the comment, the test is indicated as a true negative.
setRootid(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
setSeparator(Map<String, TextEntity>) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Sets the separator.
setSource(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
setStatusGeo(JsonObject, Tweet) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
TODO: investigate how close a user Profile geo compares with Status geo.
setTerms(String[]) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
setText(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Set the text, if not null, isASCII and rawbytes length are calculated.
setText(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
sets the value of the TextEntity
setTextNatural(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
setTextOnly(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Set just the value, without incurring the cost of other metrics or flags about the text that likely are unchanged.
setToday(Date) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Optionally reset your context...
setType(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Allow matchers and taggers to set a type label, e.g., pattern family or other string.
setUniqueName(boolean) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
setUser(JsonObject) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setUserGeo(JsonObject, Tweet) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
setUTCOffset(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Set UTC and TZ after date is set.
setUTMPrecision(GeocoordMatch) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
setWorkingSize(int) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
ShapefileFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
A results formatter for shapefile output.
ShapefileFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.ShapefileFormatter
sort(Map<String, LangID>) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangDetect
Sort what was found; Returns LangID by highest score to lowest.
source_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
Source ID here is very much optional Currently it is useful for SQLite usage.
source_id - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
Source ID
SOURCE_TWITTER - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
sourceID - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
optional Source ID field
SOUTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
SP - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
spanishLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
specificity - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
Specificity is a field resolution, that is how many fields were specified in the match? Ex.
SPREADSHEET_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
squeeze_whitespace(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Minimize whitespace.
start - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
char offset of entity; location in document where entity starts.
start(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
start(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
start(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
start(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
start(String) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
Start output.
start(String) - Method in interface org.opensextant.output.ResultsFormatter
START_CHARS - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatcherUtils
START_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
state - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
State flags indicate what state of processing the record is in or what processing has been applied to it.
stateMask - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
statusGeo - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
the origination of the message -- Country from which the item was sent.
stop(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSFilter
stop a match if it is a bad DMS pattern, e.g., date or date/time.
stop(GeocoordMatch) - Method in interface org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatchFilter
stop a match
stop(GeocoordMatch) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
TODO: Document rules.
string2list(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Get a list of values into a nice, scrubbed array of values, no whitespace.
SUBDEG - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
SUBMIN - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
SUBSEC - org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
symbol - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.Hemisphere
The symbol.


TAB - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
tag_coordinates - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_countries - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_lowercase - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_names - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
Generic flag to represent tagging non-Geo names, e.g., names of persons, orgs and things
tag_patterns - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_places - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_postal - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tag_taxons - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
tagFilter - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.MatchFilter
The tag filter.
tags - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
tagset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Taxon - Class in org.opensextant.data
A Taxon is an entry in a taxonomy, which could be as simple as a flat word list or something with lots of structure.
Taxon() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
TelephoneNumber - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data
TelephoneNumber() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.TelephoneNumber
TelephoneNumber(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.TelephoneNumber
TelephoneNumber(Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.TelephoneNumber
tempDir - Variable in class org.opensextant.processing.Parameters
termset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
Terms: "pineapple", "mango", ...
TestCase - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.poli
TestCase - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
TestCase(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.TestCase
TestCase(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.TestCase
testcases - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
testing - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
text - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
The text of the message.
text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
text - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
text_id(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Static method -- use only if you are sure of thread-safety.
TEXT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
TEXT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Size of text window around matches -- to use as excerpts
TEXT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.processing.ResultsUtility
The default TEXT WIDTH.
TextEntity - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
A very simple struct to hold data useful for post-processing entities once found.
TextEntity(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
Simple Span representation.
TextInput - Class in org.opensextant.data
TextInput is a unit of data -- a tuple that represents the text and its language and an identifier for downstream processing, export formatting, databasing results keyed by text identifier, etc.
TextInput(String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.TextInput
A simple input.
TextMatch - Class in org.opensextant.extraction
A variation on TextEntity that also records pattern metadata
TextMatch(int, int) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
TextMatchResult - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat
This result class holds all the results for a given text block.
TextMatchResult() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.TextMatchResult
textNatural - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
The natural language version of the text.
textnorm - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
TEXTPATH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.output.OpenSextantSchema
TextUtils - Class in org.opensextant.util
TextUtils() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
thaiLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
timestamp_parser - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
timezone - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Timezone label of the timestamp, e.g., Europe/London, or just London or "Canada and Atlantic (EST)".
today - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.MGRSFilter
The today.
TODAY - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
Application constants -- note the notion of TODAY is relative to the caller's notion of TODAY.
TODAY_EPOCH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
The today epoch.
toDecimal() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
toDD() Return the decimal value to the extent it makes sense.
toJSON(Tweet) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
toJSON(Tweet, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
Objective of this is to create a FLAT key/value map for a JSON or a simple HashMap to use.
tokens(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Return just white-space delmited tokens.
tokensLeft(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
See tokensRight()
tokensRight(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Return tokens on the right most part of a buffer.
toMGRS() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.GeocoordMatch
Convert the current coordinate to MGRS.
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Annotation
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.annotations.Record
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.GeoBase
Generic label -- anything more sophisticated needs attention E.g.
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Language
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Place
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.data.Taxon
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.ExtractionMetrics
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
toString() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.langid.LangID
toString() - Method in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
toUTCOffsetHours(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
UTC offset as hours.
true_positive - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.PatternTestCase
turkishLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
Tweet - Class in org.opensextant.data.social
Tweet() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Tweet(String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Tweet(String, String, Date) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Tweet.Mention - Class in org.opensextant.data.social
TweetLoader - Class in org.opensextant.data.social
TweetLoader() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetLoader
tweetStore - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Tweet
Is TweetStore the main repository of data?
TweetUtility - Class in org.opensextant.data.social
TweetUtility() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.social.TweetUtility
type - Variable in class org.opensextant.extraction.TextMatch
Type, as in Annotation type or code.
TZ(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
TZ(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
Parse error will be thrown on invalid data.


uncompress(byte[]) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
uncompress(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils
UNFILTERED - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
Unimap - Class in org.opensextant.util
Unimap() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.util.Unimap
UNK_Country - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
UNK_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
UNK_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
unknownLanguages - Variable in class org.opensextant.util.GeonamesUtility
Given Country code (ISO2) list all language locales and primary languages spoken there.
UNSET_UTC_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
update(Annotation) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
Update an existing annotation.
update(Record) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
The implementation of a record update
updateProgress(double) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.AbstractFlexPat
updateState(Record) - Method in interface org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeStore
Update only the state of a record
UPPER_CASE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliMatch
useFileHyperlink - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
useFileHyperlink - Variable in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataModel
userLang - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
Language declared by the user.
usesDST - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
utcOffset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.Country.TZ
utcOffset - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
UTC offset in seconds (as given by Twitter and other sources).
utcOffsetHours - Variable in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
utcOffset is in seconds, UTC offset hours is in hours.
UTM_NORTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.UTMParser
UTM_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
UTM_precision(String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PrecisionScales
For now default UTM precision to +/- 100m
UTM_SOUTH - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.UTMParser
UTMParser - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
UTMParser() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.UTMParser


validate() - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
validate_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPatternManager
Implementation has the option to check a pattern; For now invalid patterns are only logged.
validate_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.PoliPatternManager
Implementation has the option to check a pattern; For now invalid patterns are only logged.
validate_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.PatternManager
Implementation has the option to check a pattern; For now invalid patterns are only logged.
validate_pattern(RegexPattern) - Method in class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.PatternManager
validateCoordinate(double, double) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.GeodeticUtility
TODO: consider using geodesy, however that API has no obvious simple validator.
validateUTCOffset(int) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
validTZ(Tweet) - Static method in class org.opensextant.data.social.Message
detect if Tweet has UTC offset or TZ
value - Variable in class org.opensextant.annotations.DeepEyeData
value - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.poli.data.Money
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate.Resolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.flexpat.RegexPattern
VID_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
vietnameseLang - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.TextUtils


WEBARCHIVE_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
WEBPAGE_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
WEEK - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
WEST - Static variable in class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.DMSOrdinate
WKTFormatter - Class in org.opensextant.output
A formatter for WKT output.
WKTFormatter() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.output.WKTFormatter
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
Write file, UTF-8 is default charset here.
writeFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
writeGeocodingResult(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractFormatter
Write your geocoding result directly to output Result should carry ExtractionResult.recordFile as a URI for original.
writeGeocodingResult(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVFormatter
writeGeocodingResult(ExtractionResult) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.GISDataFormatter
Implementation of adding info extraction/geocoding restults to GIS outputs.
writeGzipFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.opensextant.util.FileUtility
writeRow(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.AbstractGenericFormatter
Write the data to the output stream.
writeRow(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opensextant.output.CSVGenericFormatter
Write the data to the output stream.


XConstants - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
XConstants() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XConstants
XCoord - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord
Use this XCoord class for both test and development of patterns, as well as to extract coordinates at runtime.
XCoord() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Default constructor, debugging off.
XCoord(boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xcoord.XCoord
Debugging constructor -- if debugmode = True, enable debugging else if log4j debug mode is enabled, respect that.
XTConstants - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
XTConstants() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTConstants
XTemporal - Class in org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal
Date/Time pattern extractor -- detects, parses, normalizes dates.
XTemporal() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
non-debugging ctor;.
XTemporal(boolean) - Constructor for class org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.XTemporal
XTemporal ctor
XtractorGroup - Class in org.opensextant.processing
A Group of Xponent Extractors.
XtractorGroup() - Constructor for class org.opensextant.processing.XtractorGroup


YEAR - org.opensextant.extractors.xtemporal.DateMatch.TimeResolution
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